I understand that this should [i]probably[/i] be in a suggestions forum or something. I, however, am going to put it here because it's clearly an issue with the game and the loadouts system.
Little bit of my reasoning for being so upset by this:
I like making builds. Glaives, while not heavily, are favored in the current artifact. So I figured I'd try making a Glaive build using Triton Vice. So I did.
I finished the build, setup the artifact the way I want it, only to realize that the artifact is [i]completely[/i] different from the setup I run on my gyrfalcon build. Usually this lack of saving to loadouts doesn't bother me as i just setup the artifact once and it basically never changes (looking at how [i]impactful[/i] the revanent artifact was...).
Which means if i try to run something solo, I either have to spend loads of time figuring out what the heck i wanted in my artifact any time I change my loadout, potentially dying in the process and thus, not loadout swapping during encounters...
So, why isn't this a thing? The only reason I can think of, is that the artifact goes away at the end of the episode/season/whatever. But that still isn't much of an issue, because any authorized mods from the artifact go away, but it still saves armor mods that you wouldn't be able to use without the artifact (like my 3 heavy handed from the melee auth mods), it just locks them out after the artifact goes away until you change them.
So what gives?
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Son of a Kaiju - old
Weapons and armor need to be separate as well plus I'm tired of the game filling up my inventory with auto pull from vault -
Man it can’t even find weapons on other characters. But yes it would nice if it could.
Because Bungo small brain
Like most it's just a half implemented system.
"making games is hard"?
Agreed 👍
Dev issue.
Gear loadouts and artifact loadouts work differently. Gear gets swapped in/out and replaced by whatever was selected. Artifact perks get activated, meaning, imo, you have every artifact perk already equipped when you gain the artifact but the perks simply aren't active. This makes it an entirely different system since you sometimes need to deactivate a higher tier perk temporarily to activate a lower tier one and then deactivate some other non-conflicting lower tier perk to reactivate the higher tier perk initially deactivated to activate the initial lower tier replacement perk. Too much hassle when the players can do it themselves easier. Use DIM, it can save anything you want in a build, including the artifact perks for it. It's better than nothing.
Educated guess, it's because of the way you select the mods. I'm almost entirely sure it's a coding issue and they would have to recode how the mods are turned off and on. Things like weapon/armor mods or guns/armor themselves, you can just go select a new mod/gun/armor to equip over it. No deselect required. Artifact mods you have to deselect to change (or just reset the whole thing). Dumb, but I do think that's why it doesn't do it currently and why they can't easily add it to loadouts. As for why they did it that way or didn't include it in loadouts from the start, I have no idea but it's feedback they've heard often and for a WHILE so hopefully they're pursuing a way to make that happen. Would be a very welcome change.