Since the changes, this encounter is way too long. just to make one super work. you didn't fix this, you made it worse.
Vespers host dungeon is boring now. It's now in the same category as ghost of the deep. No reason to play it
People will say that Bungie gets too much flak/hate, but then I see changes they made like this and am convinced they don’t get enough.
No devs. So everything will have 30M health moving forward
Maybe I'm just too out of the loop here but, what are you even supposed to use for good damage on this boss now? And don't say stasis titan, because that's a given. Solar ignitions are useless, so not Dragon's Breath, Song of Flame, or really any solar super. The only super(s) that come to mind are Tether and ThunderCrash, but those are class specific damage options. And even then, it's just a one off super and you'd still have to have something that deals damage afterwards. Parasite is the same story as the previously listed things. Rocket spam? Heavy wavefram GL spam?
Raneiks is a symptom of Bungie's stubborn refusal to acknowledge that Dungeon Boss HP pools were ballooning out of control. I think Sundered Doctrine cut some of those back (Lockset bug notwithstanding), but they've never said anything about these Boss HP bars that are larger than Raid Boss HP bars being anything but intended. What I'm getting at is that Bungie intends for that fight to be a slog, much like most of the rest of the Dungeon. That's its "theme."
Can't wait for him to get added into the Dungeon Pantheon as is. Can't wait to see the strat to two phase him.
They made AOE less effective against him, so to compensate, they made everything less effective against him. Bravo Bungie! An excellent move!
For some reason that boss specifically has a bunch of nerfs just for it. Like the ignition damage decay.
I was wondering what was going on with him. Never realized they changed how damage works on him. I remember reliably being able to 2 phase him. The thing I hate the most is unless you want to wipe, there’s no way to check if your dps strategy was even doing anything because we still don’t get damage numbers unless you wipe. So I never get to test out what works best for DPS. Can’t imagine newer players with less gear than me attempting these newer dungeons lol
Yeah. Not touching my solo run again until they fix it. It’s now a massive slog. Haven’t been able to get a fireteam below a 3-phase since