I was completing the new dungeon Sundered Doctrine in solo flawless. I finished the activity without dying, but the related triumphs (solo and solo flawless) were not registered.
During the run, I briefly received the message "Contacting Destiny 2 Servers", but I was never fully disconnected or sent to orbit. I believe there may have been an issue with the completion registration due to this connection problem.
Screenshot of the activity results
Screenshot of the triumphs showing they were not registered
Dungeon Report link with the solo flawless registration: https://dungeon.report/ps/4611686018430748098
I would like to know if it’s possible to review this case and correct my completion record.
Thank you!
[quote]During the run, I briefly received the message "Contacting Destiny 2 Servers", but I was never fully disconnected or sent to orbit. I believe there may have been an issue with the completion registration due to this connection problem.[/quote] Error codes, black screen->respawning, and some instances of 'Contacting Destiny 2 servers' although don't disconnect you fully count as a disconnection regardless. You will unfortunately have to do the triumph again.