I'm ready for it to shine.
One of my favorite weapons in the game, now with a built in dmg buff when combined with the artifact.
It will dominate the Court of Blades. Mark it. It will wreck the GGs boss rush mode.
The debuff better proc the artifact perk or I'm going to be annoyed. Lodestar should be great too... but probably won't take the Overload perk because it jolts. But still a good combo with anti-barrier sidearms, snipers, and linear fusions for affinities.
dont sleep on Non-Denouement with dragonfly and voltshot this season,legendary trinity ghoul. build around it and and u can spam abilitys. combined with euphony exotic and watchful eye with jolt feedback. Warlock getaway artist. (Exotic) aspects: electrostatic mind,ionic sentry. fragments: ions,discharge.feedback,resisance.(brillance is also good with flashbang grenade)