Is there a specific reason why ascendant shards don’t go to postmaster? You complete high tier activities and you’re just kinda SOL. we can store enhancement cores though…? Missing out on shards that I can use for gear. Just seems like a quality of life issue.
It was abused, players would use postmaster as an extension of inventory/vault to hold golf balls, and then eventually they would get bumped out and would end up here complaining about it. So, inventory amount was increased to 30, and no longer go to PM when full.
And Ascendent Alloys
Maybe you have too much?
Edited by autopatch: 3/10/2025 3:38:35 AMPostmaster should be tripled in size. Materials stacks should be quintupled.
I made you mad enough to stat check :) - old
I’ve had max stacks of everything ever since they increased the limits. I keep track of how many I lose. I lost 110 gold balls and 550 prisms in one season. I’m not mad about it. Because I was never gonna use them. -
All the main currencies should have an unlimited stack and just be in the currency bar. Shards, prisms cores & glimmer
Edited by Northern: 3/7/2025 6:20:51 PMOr just make it a 99 stack. A 30 stack is so 2010.
No limit on any material, much simpler than sending things to postmaster
They used too
Use them or stop complaining. ‘I can’t infinitely stock something oh the horror’
Why though? Is 30 not enough?
Why do you need Ascendant Shards if not a new player? They do so [i]little[/i] in terms of the economy regarding players who've been in Endgame for awhile. I get wanting to stack them for [i]Frontiers[/i] with all the armor changes, I personally just plan on quitting the game once that happens.
This has been implemented for a long time now don't need more than 30 shard. Upgrade armour pieces and put them in your vault break it down you get 6 prism and cores.. you get 2 to 4 ( if double nf rewards) ..I used to carry 40 all the time..there's honestly no need for 30 at the rate you earn/ buy them. It's not needed to have any more than that
They used to when they were limited to 10 but when bungo upped the limit to 30 they decided to stop them going to the postmaster.
Why would it matter? You clearly aren’t using the 30 you currently have.