Thank you bungie you made the strongest melee in the game actually balanced amazing change
Maybe, the whole point of the smokes useless now
Those pings would really sucker a shotgun rusher…. Oh wait.
It only took 5 plus years.
And you'll be back again in a week whining about something else.
It would be lovely if void hunter got more options than turn invis 24/7 and only having smoke bomb as Melee option Yes it was strong but releasing one Melee per subclass is just asinine
They need to keep nerfing them
If only they nerfed it more
So how was it the best? What can it still do? Cause it was nerfed a few months ago. Only ppl complaining are Titans and Warlocks, like bolt charge hasn’t been out of control or why only warlocks can get turrets. Why no hunter melee, buffed or otherwise, one shots guardians like titans. So again, how was this the strongest melee for hunters?
Yes and about time!
Surprisingly good nerf