Can we at least agree that’s a little excessive? Ppl call it bad RNG. But it can’t be RNG if it happens every…single…season.
Check my account. I’ve saved all 29 of my 2020 pinnacles that have dropped and none are arms. Why?
EDIT: I didn’t realize so many Bungie employees frequent the forums, willing to answer our questions. It’s refreshing.
EDIT #2: I’ve been updating the amount each time I get a new one. When I first posted it was 18 pinnacles.
I don’t believe we aren’t alone I on need 1 heavy drop been 3 weeks straight armour drops everytime🤬
Time padding with zero effort using RNG instead of actual content
Bungie has complete control of how the drop algorithms work they could easily ensure duplicates are tuned out and resampling occurs until something useful drops. The only thing that I can think of is Bungie likes people to grind just to keep the player numbers up. Bungie's RNG God has been a tight stingy sod from day one.
Edited by Ob1 Kevnobi: 3/8/2025 9:39:21 PMThis has always been an enormous issue. It pisses me off. I haven't been able to get a primary OR boot 2020 engram for two weeks now. It's flipping absurd.
Almost 20 pinnacles and 10 powerful engrams and no class item. The RNG in this game is -blam!-.
I once went 8 weeks waiting for a hunter cape, it didn't matter but it irritated me, after week 8 I wiped & deleted the account.
Why? Because you won't quit, your addicted and will go until you get those arms. they are free to make it as miserable as they want, You me and other just will not stop. That is why.
I wish there was linear progression towards levels. A vendor that allows us to just upgrade our weapons and armor and get rid of infusion.
Same, into my 3rd week of just needing a class item. Of course there will always be those who are on the luckier side of RNG which while insist there's no problem. I hate so much the decision to put the BS pinnacle grind back into the game, it's such a stupid decision.
And there was me getting it done in week 2, with no raids - lucky RNG for me
I understand your pain. I think the early claims that the system analyzes your gear and gives you what you need are a complete lie.
Same need bond this season everything else :(
It's a joke, I'm still waiting on just a heavy drop and running all 3 classes but no sir. We all know it's rigged to extend playtime but until a bungie whistleblower comes forward I can't see it changing. 🤬
Edited by FORLORNHOPE117: 3/6/2025 4:41:19 PMwhy. because the game is shite
Been like that since D1. If you need that one piece of armor to advance, it's the one you won't get for a long time. Once you get arms they'll start dropping like crazy. The grind is the Bungle's main objective. In my experience RNG does not exist.
Could easily put a weekly, one off, focus option where you can focus the desirable armour/weapon Pinnacle drop, [b]once a week.[/b] That would appease both sides, RNG blessed and the RNG deprived.
This might not be the best answer for everyone, but use the current dungeon. We know what armor drops from each encounter. You have 3 chances each week to get the armor drop you need. You're outta luck though if you need the class item.
I been saying that about legs. But it’ll eventually drop. Doesn’t matter to me really, not many activities require a high light level.
They won’t care since we have artifact power. Chasing an artificial number like it’s the only thing to do in destiny will make you crash out, just let it come to you, and if it doesn’t well you still have artifact 🤷🏽♂️
I made you mad enough to stat check :) - old
Still waiting on my boots. The last item I’ve needed for a while now -
You aren't grinding enough, get back to it 😂
You are getting Pinnacles? Mine have all dropped at 2010 this week, I'm 2019 base.
Edited by Guardian,Archon Of Light: 3/6/2025 6:45:47 PMSelling 2020 dungeon arms, 2 Bright Dust per, or 100 for 5 BD
[quote]Can we at least agree that’s a little excessive? Ppl call it bad RNG. But it can’t be RNG if it happens every…single…season. Check my account. I’ve saved all 26 of my 2020 pinnacles that have dropped and none are arms. Why?[/quote]
[quote]Can we at least agree that’s a little excessive? Ppl call it bad RNG. But it can’t be RNG if it happens every…single…season. Check my account. I’ve saved all 26 of my 2020 pinnacles that have dropped and none are arms. Why?[/quote] What RNG Truly Means: Random Number Generator or Really Not Genuine Outcome After All? One such inquiry, perhaps the most often one in the iGaming industry, is indeed straightforward — is the random number generator (RNG) truly random? In short: no, not entirely, although it might be as much as possible in the first place. Thus…by the criterion of definition, which is also used in scientific elaborations, not a single RNG is random in online gambling or anywhere, for that matter.
Shhhh , get back on that wheel Hammy. - Bungie. Seriously though it can be annoying when it can take an entire season to get the last jigsaw pinnacle. Making the power count account wide has helped but bad luck protection needs implementing properly.