I am having issues with Cross Save. Once I activated my cross save, tried merging my Xbox and PlayStation but now i can’t use my Xbox Guardian but only use my PlayStation Guardian. I tried to resolve issue but it won’t let me cause of the 90 day clause. I don’t know what to do to get my Xbox Guardian back.
Hi there, Thanks for reaching out. It looks like you selected your PlayStation account as your Active Account when you set up Cross Save. This means that your PlayStation progress/characters are what you'll see on Xbox, rather than the other way around, which is likely what you intended. To correct this, you'll have to first wait out the mandatory, 90-day cooldown for making a recent Silver purchase. Following this, you'll need to disable Cross Save, which will trigger another 90-day cooldown. Note that these cooldowns cannot be expedited or removed under any circumstances, but during this time where you disable Cross Save, you'll be able to access your Xbox characters by playing on that platform. Once this second cooldown has elapsed, you'll be able to enable Cross Save again, this time making sure to select Xbox as your Active Account. For more information about Cross Save and its intricacies, please consult our [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049498031-Destiny-2-Cross-Save-Guide]Cross Save Guide[/url].
Hey there. Cross-save does not merge accounts. As mentioned in the final checklist that you ticked before activation, "I understand that Cross-save does not merge characters and account data together. The characters and account I selected as my Active Cross Save contains the characters I want visible across all linked accounts". You selected PSN as the Active account, meaning the PSN character is what you see on both PSN and XBox. The XBox guardian is currently dormant and inaccessible. As Swat has mentioned, one other thing you agreed on was the cross-save cooldowns, one of which was for deactivation in the case of Silver purchases. Unfortunately as mentioned, these cooldowns are mandatory and unskippable. Once the cooldown elapses, you'll be able to cancel. The PSN character will become PS-only again, the XBox character will become active again and playable on XBox.
Swat The Bot
Bungie fan. Here since 2008 - old
As stated in the cross-save setup multiple times, the 90 day wait is mandatory. You must wait the full 90 days, Bungie will not remove this security feature for anyone. Review the cross-save guide for more information. https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049498031-Destiny-2-Cross-Save-Guide