(Next morning, at the twins' safehouse, Sai is curled up on the couch, wrapped in large black covers with a faint light blue glow. Beeping comes from his cator, placed on a nightstand to his right. He grabs it and answers.)
[b]Saitonia:[/b] Hmp?
[b]The Director:[/b] *from the cator* Is this Saitonia? Is this the correct contact code?
[b]Saitonia:[/b] Director? Yes it's me.
[b]The Director:[/b] Great. Though looking up your address, your information seems...questioning, like there's sections completely missing, but it shouldn't be too bad. We've located a Purple Cloaks base that we believe might carry extremely useful intel.
[b]Saitonia:[/b] *sarcastic* What Purple Cloaks base doesn't carry useful intel?
[b]The Director:[/b] Good point. This one is different, mainly because it's way more isolated, way more hidden than other bases we've located. There's bound to be something exceptionally confidential, right up in our lane. Atticus is also on this mission, alongside a few of my agents. You willing to join?
[b]Saitonia:[/b] There's nothing else going on. If there is some useful intel, it might pertain to me and this "Saitorealm" that keeps popping up. We'll take our chances on what we could find. When does this mission start?
[b]The Director:[/b] Today, in the next couple of hours.
[b]Saitonia:[/b] Okay. Best not be late. It'll be a great learning experience to see how the utmost elite intelligence agency carries out operations.
[b]The Director:[/b] Concur. While the SIU's history with the Purple Cloaks isn't intense, we've discovered enough about them to know that they're...quite a scam. Over the decades, the [b]zepiks[/b] that were donated to them, they used for fancy housing and protection, barely anything that contributed in giving you [b]Erazeskas[/b] rights you already have. Anything else they protested about, they're just asking for partiality.
[b]Saitonia:[/b] Seems like they're close to being the very types of people they've claimed [b]Liomage[/b] and other [b]Euchrons[/b] to be.
[b]The Director:[/b] Mhm. Our intel will be delivered to him and the High Council, or basically anyone obligated to the Ruler's Palace, specifically, the throne. Anyways, don't be late, Saitonia. This mission will be crucial in regards to not only [b]Saitranovia[/b]'s future, but yours as well. *hangs up*
*Sai lightly throws his cator onto the couch, then walks up to Aino's room.*
[b]Saitonia:[/b] Sis, I'll be taking part in a mission with the SIU, where we'll possibly uncover some really scorching info the Purple Cloaks keep classified.
[b]Ainotias:[/b] *unseen* Don't the SIU think I'm dead?!
[b]Saitonia:[/b] Some of their agents might believe that, considering that future me and my organization has arrived not too long ago.
[b]Ainotias:[/b] Ehhhh, go on. Let's have them believe it for now. I'll take a look at some of these [b]Enygma[/b] forms.
*Sai turns and exits the safehouse.*
[b][u]*Cliche--blam!- opening theme plays*[/u][/b]
(An hour later, at the S.S. HQ. Inside the General's office, a new character is seen, but it's an old friend of the General and the Delta Trio's. With a cheerful welcome, the General pats the woman on her right shoulder while the Delta Trio is seated by the walls where various tech and gadgets are held.)
[b]General:[/b] *relieved sigh* [b]Rione Riuvera[/b], my [b]Arckyve[/b], you're still doing fine. I sent you the message that we finally took out those 5, especially that samurai, shogun scum. You got it, right?
*[b]Rione[/b] stands slightly shorter than the General. Hispanic/Latina-[b]Terranovian[/b] with light brown skin with an orange undertone and gray eyes. Dark brown, wavy hair with white streaks going a little past her shoulders and covering her left eye. She wears a small, black racer jacket under a dual color sweatshirt with long collars. The sweatshirt is black at the upper half and white at the lower half, with some red details on the upper half. Slim black jeans with parallel white lines at the sides, going all the way down, and high-top, white shoes with black and red details. Her extra accessories consist of a gadget belt hung over the right side of her jeans, and an S.S-themed armband on her left arm, custom-made for her in honor of her older sister; [b]Atiada[/b].*
[b]Rione:[/b] *reluctant speech* Yeah....I did. I wanted to reply, I wanted to finally come out of hiding, knowing that the trauma has mitigated, but it was too abundantly heavy of a burden to carry. Even since the death of [b]Atiada[/b], I had to vanish and try to rediscover myself. A tedious, yet rewarding adventure I had been on all these years.
[b]Ashe:[/b] Yep, and you're back. Thought we'd never see you again, [b]Rione[/b].
[b]Tony:[/b] Nearly had us set out a search and rescue type of mission for you, but the General canceled it last minute just to- y'know? Give you some privacy; a time to recover mentally.
[b]Rione:[/b] I appreciate it. *lightening up her tone* So what has the S.S. been up to since?
[b]Yaoni:[/b] Working more alongside the SIU. You heard about this new faction from the future called the Saitorealm?
[b]Rione:[/b] A little. Their leader is this [b]eraser[/b] guy named Saitonia?
[b]Yaoni:[/b] Exactly, BUT...it's Saitonia from the future, not the Saitonia here, well technically he's from the Ancient [b]Arckyve[/b] Era.
[b]Rione:[/b] 2 different Saitonias?
[b]Yaoni:[/b] Mhm. He's a bit of a long story. He's quite the enigma, I'll tell you the rest.
(North [b]Sakrisen[/b], on a busy junction within a city center, a miniscule group of protesters are holding up electronic placards, mainly saying things that are along the concept of getting rid of the SIU, such as: "Expunge the SIU!" "SIU are the underlings of [b]Exomordia[/b]." "Expose the SIU.")
*This small group continues to yell out stuff pertaining to an anti-SIU narrative in order to attract the attention of civilians, who are just trying to go on with their lives. They then however catch the attention of a strange woman. Her face isn't seen, but she has long, spiky white hair, wearing a gunmetal gray, hooded blazer, black pants, and silver, thigh-high boots with white detailing. The woman nods at the signs.*
[b]Female Anti-SIU Protester:[/b] *grateful sigh* Finally, someone who actually sees the true SIU.
[b]Strange Woman:[/b] The SIU mercilessly killed my parents when I was 5. I should know. Holding up signs and yelling won't change a damn thing. If there's anything history taught me, going to extreme measures makes the most changes.
(Around 1 P.M, Sai has met up with Atticus and a group of random SIU agents.)
[b]Atticus:[/b] Ahhh, the "Tyrantslaya". Director told me you was joining us.
[b]Saitonia:[/b] Indeed, Atticus. Very likely we'll find some really confidential stuff on the Purple Cloaks, what they could be planning, source of income, the personal info on every member, etc. So where is this specific Purple Cloaks base located?
[b]Male SIU Agent:[/b] *pulling up a map on his tablet* Damn near the outskirts, around 45 miles away from its nearest town; [b]Nororevdon[/b], and some secret facility. And we've scouted every other Purple Cloaks base locations, and this is the furthest one.
[b]Female SIU Agent:[/b] Unless there are more, but we would've caught them already. We're not gonna be second-guessing ourselves, putting us at an unwanted risk, we're storming this base, we're collecting the intel, and we're out. *to Sai* Director [b]Taxtisako[/b] has good things to say about you, Saitonia, is it? I like to see you prove her right.
[b]Atticus:[/b] *adding to the female SIU agent's statement* Exactly. Don't turn it into a "HAD good things to say about you" Sai mans.
[b]Saitonia:[/b] I'll do my best not to disappoint. The trekking begins.
(Several minutes pass, at the mansion with Aino, the [b]annihilator[/b] twins, Cat, Kav, Van, Kyo, Anna, [b]Kaburo[/b], [b]Maviko[/b], Alexa, and [b]Aguiro[/b], grouped together in the lobby, looking at [b]Maviko[/b]'s tablet, displaying sections of various [b]Enygma[/b] forms.)
[b]Maviko:[/b] So, fellow [b]Arckyvines[/b], you're interested in acquiring a new [b]Enygma[/b] form to your superpowered arsenal?
[b]Ainotias:[/b] Correct. Brother is off helping the SIU, and I wasn't going to just sit at home the entire day. My productivity has to return somehow.
[b]Sage:[/b] *sympathetic* Being the proxy of [b]Terranova[/b] for several months really put you in some sort of depression. Horrible. You used to be the more adventurous twin while Sai was the more reserved, now it's swapped.
[b]Ainotias:[/b] Who wouldn't be depressed being an [b]a[/b]ss-kisser to [b]Terranova[/b]?
[b]Cathera:[/b] That'd be the last thing I'd want to be.
[b]Kavita:[/b] True.
[b]Aguiro:[/b] *straightforwardly* Alright already, my apologies. *looking at Mav* [b]Maviko[/b], care to explain?
[b]Vandren:[/b] *referring to [b]Aguiro[/b]* Speaking of being an [b]a[/b]ss-kisser.
[b][i]*Continuing Below*[/i][/b]