First happened on 21 feb. Since then on random occasion I get kicked to orbit with cabbage (except when I play alone). Once I I couldn't reconnect to raid even after 5 attempts with one game restart, and we could only continue after I loaded on checkpoint and everybody joined to me. And now I got a timeout from trials because why would they give me a chance to [i]reconnect[/i]?
Tried reinstalling the game and network drivers. I am using wired connection. Been playing on same PC though steam and same OS for 5 years with NO problems (unless servers were feeling bad and everyone had problems). No firewall rules are applied on router, only rules in windows' one are basic "accept everything" for destiny exe. Did not install anything new before first case. No windows updates happened (since 2020)
Also sometimes game tells me on boot that I have strict NAT, but appearance of that warning does not seem to affect frequency of cabbages
Am I alone in this? What can I do to fix it?
Edited by BNGHelp8: 3/3/2025 5:21:43 PMHello there, Thank you for reaching out. We understand you have frequently encountered the Cabbage error code for about a week. We're sorry to hear of this, as we can imagine how this would cause concern. While we realize you have tried some troubleshooting, the following steps and articles may hopefully help to prevent this error code from recurring the next time you play Destiny 2: [quote][b]1.[/b] You may want to review our [url=]CABBAGE[/url] article for more information about this issue. [b]2.[/b] [url=]Clear your console cache[/url] or, if on PC, [url=]verify the integrity of your game files[/url] [b]3.[/b] You may want to follow our [url=]Network Troubleshooting Guide[/url] for best optimizing your connection to Destiny, and our [url=]Advanced Steps Networking Guide[/url] for possible router solutions, such as enabling UPnP. You may also want to enable IPV6 on your router if you have it. [b]4.[/b] You may want to review our guide on [url=]improving latency and packet loss[/url] to see if that might help.[/quote] We hope these suggestions help to address this error.