Hi there,
Due to the new incoming account linkage changes coming in late march, where once an account is linked, it cannot be unlinked, I decided to migrate from PlayStation to PC and realized that the current steam account linked to my cross-save is an old unused account and not my main steam account.
This wouldn't be a problem normally as I would just disable cross-save, wait the 90-day limit, remove the old account, then add the correct account. But when I tried to deactivate my account, I was told that I purchased silver around a month ago, and so will have to wait 60 more days before I can even deactivate my account?? Which will be too late, resulting in no possible way to change my steam account...
Is there anyway this can be bypassed, where I can disable cross-save, and then wait the 90 days as intended?
Edited by viiTactiiCZz: 3/3/2025 6:57:15 PMEdit: ignore.
Hello there, Thank you for reaching out. We understand you are unable to deactivate Cross Save due to a silver purchase. As per our [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049498031-Destiny-2-Cross-Save-Guide]Cross Save Guide[/url]: [quote]Players who purchase Silver (or have Silver added to their account) cannot disable Cross Save until 90 days after the Silver was purchased or added.[/quote] Sadly, there is no way to circumvent the wait-period for the deactivation of the account.