I emphasise full because checkpoint farming is monotonous and can feel so dull very quickly (not saying to nerf checkpoint farming, I think its fine to keep obviously).
Currently there feels like very few reasons to do full raids outside of the once per week completion quest. The rewards could be substantially increased too. More ways to get spoils, cores and on top of that, maybe more adept drops at the end of master raids.
I just feel like raids seem far too unrewarding for the on average 30 mins to an hour completion requirement. Even more so we need reasons to get folks back into the raiding landscape which has waned quite a bit.
Better loot is always a good idea, but if you really want to get more folks into Raid there gonna have to tone down the Rubbix cubic level puzzles mechanics where you have to sit through a 20’ video of Aztecross on Redbull multiple time to be able to keep up.
Check points have always been the downfall of raids.
Should also increase exotic drop chance substantially
Rotator raids only award one pinnacle drop, at the end. No way it’ll get better, for any demographic
Like borderlands.. loot . That would be cool
No thanks It would be boring to get such a lootsplosion just from doing a raid. If they start showering in loot everywhere everything becomes bland. (As if d2 wasnt rewarding you for farting in a jar already...)
For Master raids, sure. That would be cool.
Goo Baby
Here - old
Padding playtime that’s all they care about. Just to keep you on the hamster wheel. Keep spinning you’ll get there eventually -
If they dropped a lot more loot I'd be fine with no crafting on raids. Atm raids are too stingy so making their loot craftable makes sense. We also need more reasons to run full activities which crafting kind of incentivised with guaranteed red borders for a full completion. If its possible they should implement a system that gives consecutively better loot from the final encounter based on the previous encounters completed(also an increase to exotic drop rate?) Dungeons also need to drop double or triple the loot they currently drop with at least 1 guaranteed weapon drop per encounter.
[quote]I emphasise full because checkpoint farming is monotonous and can feel so dull very quickly (not saying to nerf checkpoint farming, I think its fine to keep obviously). Currently there feels like very few reasons to do full raids outside of the once per week completion quest. The rewards could be substantially increased too. More ways to get spoils, cores and on top of that, maybe more adept drops at the end of master raids. I just feel like raids seem far too unrewarding for the on average 30 mins to an hour completion requirement. Even more so we need reasons to get folks back into the raiding landscape which has waned quite a bit.[/quote] If you wanna do raids more often, you should just message me. 😢
Bungie in response to: “ we hear you and we nerf checkpoints”