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3/2/2025 1:23:46 PM

Delicate Tomb should benefit from Unstoppable Fusion mod

Title. I posted in bugs but apparently, it's an intended thing. I feel like this shouldn't be a feature that Delicate Tomb can't benefit from champion mods because it can Jolt targets. My reasons are this: - Delicate Tomb requires picking up Ionic Traces to even Jolt targets. If we're going this way then lean all the way in and just make it intrinsic Overload instead of relying on a random proc. If there are no adds to down, then Delicate Tomb is capable of nothing in the way of champions. There are only so many ways to generate Ionic Traces and I can really only think of one (Coldheart) that can generate them without killing something. Not to mention the Ionic Traces that Delicate Tomb generates are a CHANCE to spawn on kill. - We have the Jolting Feedback perk on legendary weapons now that is more reliable than Delicate Tomb's perk, yet the legendaries that roll with it can still benefit from champion mods. Delicate Tomb is an exotic weapon with a less effective proc (in my opinion) than Jolting Feedback. If you're going the route you are with Delicate Tomb not benefitting from champion mods then all arc weapons with Jolting feedback should not benefit either. -Right now we have legendaries capable of handling at least 2 types of champions at once with artifact mods, seasonal weapon mods, and artifact mods. Potentially more if you can proc certain fragments, aspects, or exotic armor perks. It seems counterintuitive to not let exotics benefit similarly. I'm sure if there's anyone else of the same inclination then they can probably think of more reasons. TL;DR Delicate Tomb should be allowed to benefit from artifact champion mods as it does not have an intrinsic anti-champion ability and relies on RNG and the availability of other enemies to even do the thing it's supposed to do. This is seriously something that needs better tuning.

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  • It's no different than queenbreaker or that stasis scout rifle from season of the deep. It's built into the gun. If you gain radiant it can gain antibarrier. Bungie has said they won't allow a gun to stun all 3 champ types.

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    7 Replies
    • I agree with bungie’s design philosophy.

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    • It’s ridiculous situations like these happen. Make any weapon that can stun multiple champions based on conditionals and artifact mods compatible because it’s really fun build crafting and it brings out a once in a season spotlight for some weapons. For example the one season where Polaris lance was the king of gms with infinite damage and ignitions and that was some of the most fun with scout rifles in a long time since they refuse to make them ever meta even though I love them. By the way delicate tomb with geo mags warlock is some of the most fun I’ve had in a while and I solo flawlessed the new dungeon with that build it’s so busted and fun.

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      2 Replies
      • Imma shorten your whole argument: Indebted+Voltshot= Anti Barrier & Overload with VS procc Ergo (sum; pun intended) Delicate Tomb should gain Unstop.

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        • For some reason, even though Agers Scepter doesn't intrinsically deal with champs, it cannot make use of Radiant. Idk if it is intended or a bug. But it is annoying. Sure it can deal with both unstops and overloads if you kill ads next to them, but it should still be able to use Radiant.

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        • Can someone test if a Chill Clip Critical Anomaly can deal with all 3 Champion types? Anti-Barrier Sniper, Slow for Overload and Freeze for Unstoppable.

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          • Yup... just another exotic that doesn't work with champ mods for some ridiculous reason

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          • They do this but chill clip deals with overloads and unstoppables. Smh my head

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            5 Replies
            • It’s really annoying that Bungie does this. Players should be rewarded for using their intelligence to combine strategies and perks. Not punished.

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              • Edited by SCRFY N3RF HRDR: 3/3/2025 12:14:43 AM
                “We hear you and we’ve decided to double Barricade Regen time as well as, nerf the range and damage of Khepris horn by half” -Bungie Edit

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              • Yeah. I hate that legendaries with chill clip or jolting can get champion mods, but exotics that inflict the same debuffs less consistently can't. It's a choice I just cannot defend.

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              • doesnt it jolt? cuz if so itd be an overload stunning weapon

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                6 Replies
                • Edited by BarStool: 3/2/2025 3:56:52 PM
                  Just make it so that the application of the weapons stunning capabilities are not active when you have a Champion mod equipped. So with Delicate Tomb, if Unstop is active, you can NEVER stun an Overload with it, but you could apply jolt to the overload with Delicate Tomb, then switch to another weapon and then stun the champion. Simple fix that allows for the utility to remain. This also mainly nerfs Chill Clip because no matter what, Slow applied by Chill Clip will never be able to stun so long as the champion mod is active. Edit: I think with how long it takes for Chill Clip to stun Unstops balances it being able to switch to another weapon and then cause the shatter to stun. Same with the Jolt. Ignitions will not function due to how they are coded, just like slow. Similarly, Radiant, Volatile, and Unraveling Rounds will not function either, again, due to how they are coded. This really only benefits Jolt and Freeze/Shatter

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                  • Edited by Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds: 3/2/2025 3:35:14 PM
                    Yep. I know they like to make it so that weapons with intrinsic champ stunning don’t benefit from champ mods but there are legendaries that can stun all three champs yet Delicate Tomb requires a very specific condition to be able to stun overload so it can’t be allowed to stun two champ types? Makes no sense. I was all excited to use it and then figured out it couldn’t stun unstoppables and threw it back in the vault. So disappointing.

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