Wanted to know what my options are. Every time I queue into Comp there's like a 50/50 chance that I'll randomly get kicked mid match.
It ALWAYS happens during a fire fight. I'm shooting, screen goes black, there's a pause, it spawns me back into the match and then 15seconds later I get booted to orbit with no way to join back into the game and then I get penalized as if I left the match intentionally.
(The clip I included shows the start of one such incident, I was loaded back into the game and then kicked to orbit a few seconds later).
My net is good, my connection is hardwired.
This only happens during Comp. Trials no issues. I litterally played Trials most of the day yesterday and didn't have an issue, as soon as I go into Comp out of 6 matches 2 of them I get kicked the same way. Same thing today.
It's infuriating.
Doesn't happen in Banner, doesn't happen in 6v6s.
And now I got a temp suspension from competitive due to it happening in 3 games today.
Can this be looked into at all? I want to be able to enjoy Crucible, not worry about getting kicked to orbit every other game.
Thank you
Edited by AdrPayne: 3/1/2025 11:14:32 PMDamn bro I have exactly same issue but in TRIALS, its been around 3 weeks like that, competitive, trials and sometimes in normal pvp. Imma let here my video (Sorry is in spanish) with same problem right now !!!