The radiation kills you even tough theres no radiation guy nearby also when u deposit the Buff sometimes It kills u. So much months these errors they ruined my flawless so many times
Thanks for the tips I just did the solo flawless
2 things 1. When you exit the radiation bubble made by the enemies the effect lingers for a bit meaning you can still get another stack and 2. when holding a nuke you gain stacks and can't lose stacks of radiation plus it keeps going till the entire animation is over meaning you can still die while depositing.
Edited by cryptic_king_241: 3/1/2025 2:07:34 PMIf you're at x9 and you're not already in the deposit animation you're probably gonna die if you start it. Best to drop it so you're x8, it degrades fast. Also if you're carrying the nuke while you go to drop off scanner before entering the shelter, stop doing that. Drop in front of the entrance you'll use.