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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
2/28/2025 6:18:15 PM

10 (or so) things I wish we would have gotten in Destiny, maybe you too?

No, the game doesn't need any of that.


I like 1 or 2 of those ideas


Cool, I think 5 or so would be great to have


Yes, I would like all of them too!


[u][b]10 (or so) things I wish we would have gotten in Destiny[/b][/u] As you, my fellow Guardian probably already know, we just came of an all-time low on the [url=]Player count in Destiny 2[/url]. And I can´t stop to think about how the game has evolved over the years since I´ve played it and a different direction I had hoped for… First, I think bungie did a great job over the years! Yes, not everything was great, but in general I would say, what wo got was great and I enjoyed it very much! I really hold some of the memories of some times with friends in the game very dear! But since I think I am finally ready to say goodbye to Destiny, I can´t stop thinking about some improvements I was hoping to see in the game. You may even say I was hoping for a more [b]Player Retention[/b] focused direction. But it is how it is, and don´t hope for them anymore. But I would like to share them to see if other people agree, disagree or maybe even have other thoughts about how the game could have improved. So, without further delay, here are my 10 (or so) things I wish we would have gotten in Destiny: ___________________________________________________________ [url=]"Link2Pic: 01-Emotes"[/url] [u][b]9 Emote Slots & Ping System[/b][/u] According to DIM ([url=]Destiny Item Manager[/url]) I collected 396 of the 712 emotes in the game. But the game only allows 4 to equip. That was something I never understood. But against popular approach of a emote-wheel, I would go for a two-klick (quick chat) system like I experienced in Alienation (sorry couldn´t find an explanation of it online). In general, you would have 3 buttons (left/up/right on the D-pad) off who you press the first direction to get to the “sub-section” where you then select your wanted emote. This way you could select 9 different emote any given moment. And as a bonus I would have used the standard down-button as a rudimentary “Ping-System” with just a marker in the world and maybe some prompt like “here” or “ammo-box”. I mean if it gets popular you can improve it in the direction of something like [url=]Army of TWO[/url]. (If you know those old games) ● [url=]"Link2Pic: 02-Costimization"[/url] [u][b]Second level Char customization[/b][/u] I´m really happy Bungie implemented Transmog in Destiny! But with more than 1000 armor pieces per character in the game, it could be expanded. How about every piece (helm, arms, chest, legs and class) would be [b]built of 3 pieces each[/b]!? [b]Helm =[/b] Visor / Front / Rear [b]Arms =[/b] Shoulders / Forearms / Gloves [b]Chest =[/b] Breastplate / Shoulder plate / Waist [b]Legs =[/b] Thighs / Lower Legs / Shoes [b]Class Item =[/b] Belt / Cloth / Glow - (the Titan is of course here just an example) I feel this would open the level of freedom greatly! And maybe we could implement here something with our Clan. (But that is something for later below) ● [url=]"Link2Pic: 03-Housing"[/url] [u][b]Player housing[/b][/u] Oh boy, this one is another point I don´t get how we haven’t gotten it. But let´s make it quick, Player housing like Borderlands 3 or the Witcher (Blood and Wine DLC) or even something like Fallout 4. But I personally don´t know that one so well. But yes, some place where we can exhibit our cool loot. More than just in the vault, and maybe also some decorations about some titles, badges or triumphs we got. The weird thing for me is when I think about titles for expansions like “Beyond Light”, where we placed many “trophies” in the iglu next to Elsy Bray/The Exo Stranger on Europa… But maybe I just need to 3D-Print my favorite gun and hang it in real life on my wall -_- ● [url=]"Link2Pic: 04-Clan-HQ"[/url] [u][b]Clan Area[/b][/u] Since I can´t say it better than Aztecross, I just link his video about the topic “[url=]Bungie… We NEED This | Destiny 2[/url]”. But basically, Destiny Rising seems to have a good plan on the topic already! But to add something, why did bungie not expend on the hole clan topic!? D2 introduced Hawthorne as a 4th main vendor in the Farm/Tower but no further iterations on the topic since D2-vanilla!… ● [url=]"Link2Pic: 05-Banner"[/url] [i][b]Open Clan banner design (+ in-game visual)[/b][/i] I don´t know if you had a look on bungie´s Homepage and did try to make a cool Clan-banner design, I did, and all I can say it is underwhelming at best! In comparison, please have a look what Rockstar did with the GTA Crew Emblem Editor. [url=]Here a Link[/url] to a good Video from 9 years ago! And the mind-blowing bit for me is that you can attach your emblem to your Character, your cars and other things in game! What a missed opportunity in my eyes. But Clans only bring a little extra EP and loot in D2. ● [url=]"Link2Pic: 06-Insentive"[/url] [u][b]EP Multiplier for good behavior (+Visual)[/b][/u] Ok, serious question: “Who thinks the Commendations-system is good?” I don´t! I mean, I had multiple discussions about what has the biggest impact/value is (with different outcomes). But what I do remember from Destiny 1 is the Nightfall after reset to get the EP boost! And it was even visible in-game! (I think it was +25% but I´m not sure) So, when it was new I was already hoping for a full rework with clear numbers and an overall impact on the EP and reward gain, and maybe even a visible reflection in-game. (Or simple Notes like "MVP" or "Very Good to have in Your Team") That way positive interaction is encouraged, and bad behavior would have a negative impact. And yes giving commendations should also be possible if you get kicked from a fireteam! Or even better give Leaders from LFGs a multiplier of the gained percentage (high risk/reward) and one better, instead of only the leader does the kick I was hoping for a vote-kick-system like you can find in games like Counter-Strike, were it not happening as long just one says “no”. ● [url=]"Link2Pic: 07-DLC"[/url] [u][b]Truly Adjustable DL-Content[/b][/u] Ok, this one is a big one and I understand that it [u]can´t[/u] be easily implemented in an existing game. However, how about an option for the player to choose what Planet/Area he wants to have installed extra? To be exact, the “standard-game” has a defined scope by Bungie (Current active Content like Base Game & Season), but we as players can choose what planets and arias, we want to have additionally installed (like DLCs) so we can patrol on old places who currently have no topic/value in the current season, but if we just like to explore places like The Rief, Titan or maybe even D1 Planets like Venus & co. So, if I don´t mind that the game takes 500GB+ (160 Base Game + 340 additional content) on my hard drive, I can do it and have everything available for me! Maybe one day in a different game… (And btw, why can we still not meet up by accident with other players at Patrol at the Pale Heart !?) [i](And and btw, why is Rise of Iron [u]not[/u] cannon?)[/i] ● [url=]"Link2Pic: 08-SRL"[/url] [u][b]Sparrow Racing Leage[/b][/u] I don´t think I need to say more here… (Yes, I like it more than Gambit and PvP, sorry not sorry) ● [url=]"Link2Pic: 09-UCC"[/url] [u][b]Player/User Created Content[/b][/u] I understand that it is very hard to keep up with the demand and continuously create content for us players, it is really hard to balance the goals, time and repetition. And since I remember Games and Game-Genres started as mods (like Tower-Defense or MOBAs) or when Maps from fans became community favorites like in the beginning of Counter-Strike! I really think it would be a mistake to not give Players/Fans the tools to develop something for the game we love… But again, I get how difficult it is to implement the right tool for players to give them the capability to do something like that. But hey, maybe only on the PC with a separate/additional software? And of course [u]this would be [b]no way[/b] of replacing[/u] the story oriented original content from Bungie, but an additional source to bring fresh wind into the game for players who want more or want to give! ● [url=]"Link2Pic: 10-Ships"[/url] [u][b]Use of ships...[/b][/u] I would say currently our air-/spaceships are simply cosmetics without a game mechanic or use. This makes me sad every time I think about it. How about air stike attacke/support like in CoD or drop of Heavy Brinks or drop a Relic or maybe even one of the big support robots ([url=]Heavy Frame[/url]) from Season of the Worthy (S10). So many possibilities! ___________________________________________________________ Thank you for checking my post here out, and sorry for the bad photoshop. I´ve wanted to lift my weird rambling a bit up with some pictures and color for an easier read and maybe a better understanding of what I try to say. Thanks again and best wishes to you guardian! 😊 Text and pictures by Andy86Rock#3597

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