Hey guys,
I played comp after a long time, I took the quest on hunter, did the 7match placement series previous week, I could pull 1x riposte and 1x belisarius d from focusing. But this week I played 3x matches on hunter, then titan then warlock each - and have been placed Bronze II currently. I DID get redrix estoc each character.
My problem is I read it that I'm supposed to be able to focus Mercurial Overreach and deadlock and other weapons - atleast 2focus each week if I'm bronze, right ? I am unable to focus and it's really depressing - I stopped playing PvP, now first time I'm trying to get redrix estoc and the sniper - I hit this wall. what am I supposed to do ? Matches take like 15mins to search and get going. I still did it in the hopes I get the cool sniper. now what ?
My tag is TarTacular#3751 , please let me know what I'm supposed to do. thanks.
Hi there, Thanks for your report, and for the footage of the issue. You're being affected by an ongoing yet inconsistent issue, where some players are unable to engage in focused decoding for certain items with Lord Shaxx despite the fact that they should be able to. Unfortunately, there's no definite fix or workaround yet available, and we apologize for the inconvenience of this. However, the good news is that the team is already aware and looking into it.