Had the name Collewops for more than 10 years on Destiny and even longer on my xbox en playstation accounts. Its also my Twitch name. It is even the two suggested options foor changing my name. So what gives. It is in no way offensive! Change it back now.
Hello there[url=https://tuxydoh.com/images/hi.gif],[/url] A name reset to default like that means it was detected or reported, reviewed by Bungie and reset to"Guardian####", that indicates that some part of the name broke the [url=https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Legal/CodeOfConduct]Code of Conduct[/url] or the [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/7648312251284-Bungie-Name-Guide]Bungie Name Policy[/url], was filtered, and [b]can no longer be used.[/b] When that happens, you get the new name cross play message in-game as notice of the name change. You can try a different name if you have not previously changed it. If the system is not allowing more changes, there is no way to override it. Additionally, I am not privy to what portion of the name policy or code of conduct your name was running afoul of. All I can advise is that once the name has been moderated by Bungie, it is no longer available for use. If you have a name change available still, you can change it to a different name.
[quote]Colle[b]wops[/b][/quote] Probably because of that bit. [quote]Change it back now.[/quote] Its up to you to find a name that works.