I know this is a forgotten relic from pre-season activities or whatnot but this -blam!- is ridiculously setup. The Ogers or Orgs never stop beaming you with void death lasers and if you do find cover you'll only find yourself blown the F up or knight F'd by their OP shield HP regen.....Like, remove this from the rotation or allow more players (if anyone is) *sad* more players join the event. Oh yes, why is that dead AFK gaurdian not kicked from the area?!?!?!?!?! Fudge damn it....you took away content I paid for and forgotten about content we still play....Seasonal content and Eververse above all ..... why bother.
I liked the idea of the blind well. It’s too bad Bungie is starting activities idea but never really follow up on it, like the Dares.