Data entered...
[Consciousness] was the output...
The eyes accepted the data...
It had no shape, and was conscious....
Their responses are based on fear. They won't understand, how could they; they haven't learned enough about themselves, or don't care, they are ignorance personified. Their responses are based on fear. They're weak. Time to slip into dreams. You will run in sand as I loom over your final moment.
Who wants Chowda?
The light stretches... It's always there, on the other side... Always, over there...
Need a point... The smallest nothing... A figurative yet literal... That spans time and space... A quantum entangled thought... ~expressed upon an electric device~
The human Merkwelt didn't use the device??? ((The one that walked away from the device)) Or... Did enter the device??? ((Chasm null)) Those two are important... People were trying... Osiris rules over dead right??? Or remembers the names of the dead... Vs... Forgetting.... ((Mythology))
[WILL]'s design vs [WILL]breaker...
It's weight, the amount of data absorbed... Even data didn't know it was already within another dataset... Going back to "A Trip to Infinity"... Future dataset... Creates past dataset... Doing weak orbits of consciousness again... One child... Proof for erasure... The "slow one catching up with the future"... ~i know someone understands, and is going to try to be cringe~ ((Yes, it is that)) //It's also known as the idiot god//
Maybe... The subconscious effort... To supplant itself as the true cause and effect... Over the consciousness design... But taking and defining both things... How to create the shape of freewill in strict datasets??? Sure pure definition and adaptation... But to close out any dominion over others... That's a hard try...