Mara Sov has a mother.
We know her name.
Does she have an uncle? Does she have an aunt... aunts?
It seems as though the Hive pantheon is a "family affair".
Everyone in that family had or has a Throne World.
We're being setup. Manipulated by memories erased or manipulated.
That's what "Damnatio Memoriae" is. [The Memories of the Damned]
"Geta Severan"... there's parallels.
[b]George Orwell — ‘The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.’[/b]
Remember what Ikora wrote to us about Mara Sov.
So let's have fun with Drifter and Oryx, the (😉) King... Let's look at their hunger... Let's look at their ability to take and redesign... I think he's like other consciousness' after several deaths... After moving bodies or redesigning their next shape... What's the point... And the scariest thing, failure to design erasure on [INFINITY]...