Mara Sov has a mother.
We know her name.
Does she have an uncle? Does she have an aunt... aunts?
It seems as though the Hive pantheon is a "family affair".
Everyone in that family had or has a Throne World.
We're being setup. Manipulated by memories erased or manipulated.
That's what "Damnatio Memoriae" is. [The Memories of the Damned]
"Geta Severan"... there's parallels.
[b]George Orwell — ‘The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.’[/b]
Remember what Ikora wrote to us about Mara Sov.
[quote]As a nineteen-year-old, Mara, along with her mother and twin brother Uldwyn, joined Project Amrita, a project whose goal was to “spread far beyond the solar system and to end Human dependence on the Traveler.”1[/quote] I didn't know Savathun was joining golden age human initiatives to end our dependence on the Traveler, Bungie writers are really stretching this one out lol And Any powerful being can have a throne world, if the guardian didn't outright reject the sword logic, we would have one, the mindbender had one, and he was an Eliksni, more than likely Eris got hers when she killed Savathun has the Hive God Of Vengence, crowned by that and our sheer slaughter in her name Lol, But I know it's probably how you keep the game interesting for yourself, so spinfoil away