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2/23/2025 4:09:31 PM

Darkness subclasses need some love

Just wanted to add a suggestion hoping bungie will see it. In my opinion the darkness subclasses are lacking in terms of aspects and toolkits Much less variety than the light subclasses and I would like to see them add different varieties of supers, melee abilities, new exotics for stasis and strand to make the darkness subclasses more interesting/fun to play Right now stasis only has silence and squall as a super and withering blade as melee Strand is probably worse because it only has two aspects I think so those are the only two options. I play a hunter main and I would like to see subclass specific dodges per subclass too. Solar hunter has a dodge that procs radiant. Would be cool to see a dodge proc full frost armor for stasis or something cool like that. Just some thoughts

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  • This, especially now with bolt charge and prismatic, unless you’re using a specific build there’s no point in using solar, void, strand and especially stasis. I don’t know if it’s just warlocks but stasis is trash currently, the super is trash and doesn’t last near as long as it should, and the charged melee does one freeze to a single enemy, the only thing saving it a little is the turret but again, you can just use prismatic.. so..

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