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2/25/2025 9:50:50 PM

Small scale Titan buffs.

Titans stand in a pretty good spot overall but there are some aspects or subclasses that have fallen behind or feel a bit clumsy still. So I have some recommendations on how to improve these subclasses in PvE so they would not largely impact PvP. I play mostly titan so I don't know about other classes. Comment or make your own posts for those classes, thank you. Stasis: Pretty much a universal buff since I miss how standing near stasis crystal/frozen enemy gave you damage resistance instead of relying only on shards and frost armor. Maybe the frost armor could give max stacks near stasis crystals? Breaking the crystals and getting shards would give the normal amount of frost armor to use outside of the crystal range. Solar: Sunspot quality of life change. You get restoration x1 as long as you stay in the sunspot. As of now the restoration has timer, meaning you need to reapply it even when standing in a sunspot by leaving it and going back to it. In addition, standing in a sunspot would give you some damage resistance or maybe even radiant to make the sunspot gameplay loop feel better. Strand: Flechette storm buff. Propably the least used aspect with strand titans. We have a damage increasing exotic so maybe an uptime buff similar to how unbreakable was buffed? Flechette storm now gives energy back based on projectiles or enemies hit up to a max of 1,5 melee charges. This helps you to better loop melees in your gameplay. Void: Controlled demolition ability regen. Enemies killed by volatile explosion give a max 5% energy to your melee and grenade per enemy. This aspect used to give ability energy before void 3.0 so this would give some of its previous function back. Destabilising rounds buff already made this aspect a lot better so I don't know how necessary this would be. Alternative buff would be to also change its healing to overshield since void titan plays around it a lot. Arc and Prismatic are the strongest right now and buffing them or changing them in a big way would most likely make them too strong so I won't have any suggestions for them as of now. Will any of these changes make it to the game, doubt it, but still wanted to make some suggestions. Thanks for reading!

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