Why does DMT sucks?
As a player with over 60k kills in crucible, I can say there’s nothing good about the weapon except the satisfaction of killing from the hip, and when it's slightly good, someone at Bungie nerfs it.
Its catalyst doesn't even work anymore except for giving it 140 RPM, the weapon has a lot of bloom if used 'how it's supposed to be used in middle-short range,' and it still has the text 'removes hipfire penalties.'
The cranial spike x5 damage doesn't help either, it’s not a 2-tap or something, it's just a 4.5-second decoration for being accurate.
Its an exotic, idk how legendaries weapons like Crimils can recompensate for kills (adagio) or being accurate (pres instrument) better than this one.
Even when it was finally usable with RDM, Bungie decided to remove it from this exotic. Whaaaat.
In the end, a weapon that covers 'a lot' but is good at nothing.
Please, Bungie, it's a weapon that almost no one uses, give it some real love.
Put perks like P. instrument, offhand strike or hipfire grip at least or even better, just fix the catalyst.
Edited by Ferus Lux: 2/27/2025 7:50:45 PMThe community keeps going back and forth between loving this bad boy and asking for nerfs to it. This thing has been reworked so many times that it's best we just move on. It's way too divisive.
Yeah they need to buff the hipfire accuracy back up and then they need to partially revert the PvE changes to Cranial Spike. Even with a RoF boost and a 30% damage bonus it still doesn’t clear Wish Ender
I like it, still fun, just very niche on longer range maps :)
Personally think its rate of fire is too low to compete in current meta.
Still my favorite weapon in the game My goal is 100k kills with it, but its taken a back seat to all the new toys coming out But I never leave the Tower without it!!
Why do you suppose it sucks? People were using it a lot, that got other people bent out of shape leading to demands for nerfs, and Voila!
[quote]Why does DMT sucks?[/quote] Cause they nerfed it... Duh
It’s like a yo yo …goes through phases . Few months back it was everywhere .
So it took you 52,861 kills with DMT to decide it’s bad now?
Edited by hazyy-_-hoppz76: 2/24/2025 6:13:34 PMId say it’s pretty damn good! It actually comes as a vape now. 😯
You should try redrix estoc, it’s way better than dmt
You should try suros, it shoots mushrooms.
60k with DMT??????
[quote]Why does DMT sucks? As a player with over 60k kills in crucible, I can say there’s nothing good about the weapon except the satisfaction of killing from the hip, and when it's slightly good, someone at Bungie nerfs it. Its catalyst doesn't even work anymore except for giving it 140 RPM, the weapon has a lot of bloom if used 'how it's supposed to be used in middle-short range,' and it still has the text 'removes hipfire penalties.' The cranial spike x5 damage doesn't help either, it’s not a 2-tap or something, it's just a 4.5-second decoration for being accurate. Its an exotic, idk how legendaries weapons like Crimils can compensate for kills (adagio) or being accurate (pres instrument) better than this one. Even when it was finally usable with RDM, Bungie decided to remove it from this exotic. Whaaaat. In the end, a weapon that covers 'a lot' but is good at nothing. Please, Bungie, it's a weapon that almost no one uses, give it some real love. Put perks like P. instrument, offhand strike or hipfire grip at least or even better, just fix the catalyst.[/quote]