Are you tired of all those huge communities that end up with no one talking to each other and no organised activities? Want to continue raiding and enjoying Destiny 2? Well, let me introduce you to Brothers in Arms.
We are rebuilding our clan from the ground up, our goal is to make an inclusive community where we can farm raids, titles, dungeons etc. We are an EU clan concentrated on the PvE side of the game but we welcome any PvP players too. Helping each other complete quests, having fun, and having friendly competition with each other in every activity.
We are looking for laid back players who are active and are also willing farm titles and achieve their Destiny goals! People who can have a good time while also striving for 100%
[b]Your experience does not matter, but your willingness to learn does! Join this community, build friendships and help us grow! We are striving for a fun and loyal community and if destiny is on a low point we could stick together until the highs! [/b]
If you are interest to join the clan please [b]JOIN OUR DISCORD[/b] and contact an Admin, you wont be able to see the channels until you get a role.
Just sent a request Chilled player looking to shoot -blam!- in the face and get -blam!- done at the same time