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2/23/2025 4:09:31 PM

Darkness subclasses need some love

Just wanted to add a suggestion hoping bungie will see it. In my opinion the darkness subclasses are lacking in terms of aspects and toolkits Much less variety than the light subclasses and I would like to see them add different varieties of supers, melee abilities, new exotics for stasis and strand to make the darkness subclasses more interesting/fun to play Right now stasis only has silence and squall as a super and withering blade as melee Strand is probably worse because it only has two aspects I think so those are the only two options. I play a hunter main and I would like to see subclass specific dodges per subclass too. Solar hunter has a dodge that procs radiant. Would be cool to see a dodge proc full frost armor for stasis or something cool like that. Just some thoughts

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  • Yup. Sadly there's Lack of resources, time and manpower on the current roadmap. There was a time when we were hoping for a third Darkness subclass post Final Shape episodes, which is now a pipe dream. Even getting new Stasis and Strand supers seems far out 😶 Maybe they'll just start creating standalone darkness abilities in each slot, like a Taken or Nightmare grenade or Resonance utility abilities for each class. Because boy are Taken and Resonance powers being carrot dangled in front of us this season.

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