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Destiny 2

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Edited by thegodmachine: 2/24/2025 2:08:08 AM

Symmetrical and close range maps in PVP have to go

So maps like anomaly, burnout, cauldron, banner fall, disjunction,CONVERGENCE, have to be removed, these types of map favor the better team and make it so that the other team is either forced to be trapped in spawn or simply enables ability spam and shotgun apeing. Asymmetrical maps like Fortress, midtown, Javelin 4, distant shore, eternity make it easier to play and adapt to the ongoing match and reduce the ability spam players experience throughout matches and enables and encourages players to adapt to different ranges and whatnot. Symmetrical maps were a thing of the past in D1 where ability spam and enhanced movement speed weren't a thing. In D2, we need more asymmetrical maps because that's just what the gameplay demands.

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