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Edited by Lucky McKillya: 2/24/2025 2:09:53 AM

Observations post Contest Weekend

After looking at the numbers if I'm Tyson Greene or anyone above him I'm calling a board meeting Monday to discuss putting contest as a selectable mode. According to Charlemagne just over 74K people completed the contest dungeon after the event was over. Comparatively after the first 48 hours there were only 37K completions. That being said I think the Destiny Franchise is in a place that absolutely has to be able to let the bracket I would call royalty (top .01% or higher) down. I would re enable all the emblems for contest or make a new one specifically for people to chase and/or have adept and artifice only drops. The evidence shows "if you build it they will come" and now that contest is over, I would deem the event a massive success. Just in my clan alone we have now have 37 people of 98 that put forth the effort and was able to earn it. That was possible because to those who completed it earlier this month raised their hands to help and guide the others. We even had couple teams complete that were full of players who had never been in a contest level activity. Their familiarity with the dungeon allowed them to even be willing to try. Success breeds success and drives players to taking a shot on the next day one. After most day one experiences teams are physically and mentally exhausted and having it be a selectable node would enable and motivate players to take a stab or help others. Really the only people who this would bother is the small number of those who were available the day of. The first team through encounter figures out the mechanics and once they went to 48 hours the whole you have to figure it out mantra kinda goes out the window. Most creators rush to make walkthroughs so just waiting 12 hours before starting gives a team enough to figure out the rest in a timely fashion. Would it suck for the royalty who love being 1 of 500 or less who have something? Sure, but the goal is player engagement and as we learned the last 24 hours; players will engage and help if provide the opportunity to do so. Only good can come by putting everything on the table at this point and very little cost. EDIT* I'll write around the response as I explained in my clan's discord. First, I'll note that I wasn't sharing the statistic to take away people's accomplishments and the "why" is not as important as what was the unintended consequence. To use Bob Ross's words "A happy little accident". Raid races and going in blind is arguably the best content the game has to offer and I have been fortunate to go into many day ones both in raids and dungeons. I was using the statistic to show the interest level amongst the community in pushing themselves into more difficult content. For those clan mates that I have personally aided in this one stated what prevented them from even trying before was the sheer intimidation of "contest" and the concept that for the average afternoon type gamer just doesn't have the schedule or financial ability to take time off of work or stop their life to play for 2 days straight. That being said, there is no other content that is pure and unbiased as a contest environment. There are no surges and enemies are coded to behave and do damage much differently than then do in even Master difficulty. Although the reason the "event" happened most likely as a push from their parent company what was learned that players took advantage and engaged with it. Their end goal is just that to create things people will engage with. The result was that people took a chance at something that most watch on a streaming platform. This is a W for the community as a whole because when people play more difficult content, they themselves get better. When you make more of it to engage with it motivates a culture of towards of skill improvement to prep for the next one. Thank you for taking the time to read my post and respond!!!

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  • I disagree with your analysis. You say it was a success because players had time to practice, learn and be guided, all that lead to more players completing contest mode. Pure contest mode is; no one receives advance practice. No one gets to train or become familiar with thew encounters. By introducing a second contest mode weeks after it was released, you muddy the waters. So you get more players engaging with the content that they already know and in some cases mastered on a lower difficulty. If you want true, fair and unbiased results look to the first contest mode. I will add that contest mode is not the end all be all of game engagement. if you have good numbers on contest day, but bad numbers the rest of the time; do you really have an engaging game? You can't measure the success of the game based on one contest mode weekend.

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    • The “top” players don’t care if contest comes back out with a second emblem… If anything they would want it

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    • Forgive me for being slow to understand the OP, or for failing to grasp what the OP is asking for, but is it anything to do with having an option to run a contest mode dungeon [b][i]after [/i][/b]the contest mode deadline? I might not be the sharpest chisel in the toolbox, but surely the whole concept of a contest mode is basically a race through a piece of brand new content that no-one has had previous access to, and the first team or teams to complete said content in the allotted time are rewarded with special prizes. Running a contest mode after the deadline is no different to taking an A level exam after learning all the answers....should that person still get a top grade? I don't think so. Everyone has access to it when it's been beaten, and once most people can complete it fairly easily, they usually introduce a master version for those who enjoy torture....I mean....a challenge. So do we really need another form of the same thing? Again, I apologise for not understanding the nature of the OP, but at the end of the day, it would never happen anyway, because Bungie [i][b]do not like giving their players options[/b][/i].

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    • all that did was bring the same .01% players back for a faster run it does nothing to help the game . rost players wouldn't even do the dungeon because of the funk mechanics. nothing bungie is doing is getting g players back .there only keeping the .01% around a little longer as the bulk of the player base leaves.

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    • 10/10 feedback

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    • Please remember that the whole reason we had this extra event was because PSN was down for nearly the entire original Dungeon Race. Comparing completions between events when an entire third of the population was locked out of the game isn't good statistics. Beyond that, yeah the event seems like a W for Bungie, and they need more of those. Hopefully higher-ups take note. It's been a while since our Live service game had Live Events. Last one I remember was a powerpoint presentation in the Tower's skybox.

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      • 16
        They can also consider a once per season 24hr event for a single contest to come back. It would come back with its original loot (see next paragraph on why). They can even make it like the reprised raids where you have to do all of the challenges with the contest modifiers this time. They can even add gatekeeping like having finished the related seal or all of the activity triumphs ahead of time to enter the contest event. Such gatekeeping can drive more people to do the activity in the weeks or months leading to the event. FOMO and "you had to be there" mainly appeal to long-term players but don't motivate new guardians to become collectors or completionists. While some of the original contestants may be upset about returning loot, they still have badges, completion ranks on leaderboard, and a longer time to showcase their loot to feel good and brag about their accomplishments. FOMO and "you had to be there" do not foster the next generation of collectors because they see an unfillable gap. (Ref: My data is based on my direct interactions with many players in the Iron Wolves community over the course of multiple years ranging from new lights to end-gamers. I have finished contests before, have hit max active triumph score in some seasons, and currently at rank 375 for collection score on Braytech).

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      • 12
        They should have realized this after Pantheon. The last version of it was (essentially) contest mode but older, slightly changed encounters. Huge population of the game was able to get those awesome looking emblems and earn the title, which I LOVE that so many people got it tbh. New contest emblems? Existing contest emblems? Either way, bring it back and people will grind for it.

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        • 16
          My clan finished with 55 players getting the Contest clear out of 62. Pretty happy with that. A few came back to get it this past opportunity. Most of us spent this weekend helping others get the clear. I was blessed to help six Guardians get that Contest clear.

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          51 Replies
          • The past contest mode emblems should never be earnable again. It would only diminish the reward for players who completed those contest activities back when they released. Pantheon is the perfect way to add a challenge version of an activity. Pantheon should return for raids and be expanded to dungeons, with it being an annual activity.

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            24 Replies
            • Edited by Saint: 2/24/2025 5:13:32 PM
              Power creep is way to strong for this to be practical on anything but salvations edge. And know with verity figured out to a science that wouldn't be hard. This weekend we took someone through contest who missed out on the first weekend and had a 71 minute clear. Knowing the mechanics, spawns, dps strategies etc completely trivializes the event. The emblems would be cool to have I guess, but not really.

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              • Edited by CORPERATE COMMANDER: 2/24/2025 4:23:22 PM
                Problem is with contest mode is those same players obv don't stick around the entire year ,they do the content/ carries then they are out . But agree it's something bungie could maybe do some work with

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              • If the rewards for completing it were removed, then sure. Otherwise no.

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                10 Replies
                • Interesting figures. I personally simply cannot be bothered with the dungeons anymore. Too long. There is nothing that will entice me, certainly not an emblem😂😂.

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                • They can bring them back with a new emblem. The OG ones should not come back

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                • While it is unfortunate that PS players were effectively locked out from most of the initial contest weekend, re-opening the gates now that everyone’s had ample experience to the dungeon negates any difficulty or prestige that comes with completing a contest mode event. The numbers you mention make that obvious as there are more than double the amount of completions from the initial weekend.

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                • That because everyone knew the strats to use? Should never did another contest mode

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                • Emblems should stay launch exclusive. If anything, make a new one for contest after the first 48 hours. Could be a different color scheme or animate the 48 hour version. They could make contest reward the exotic guaranteed on a full fresh clear and each encounter should give double loot, triple drops for the final boss.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Ok with contest mode once a week with a chance to get exotic from 3% to 30%. But the people who first clear the dungeon should get the exotic 100% and exclusive emblem. The people that first complete are streamers or hardcore gamers. Either way they getting paid via streaming or sick time at work. So I think they should get the exclusives. I tried a world first clear in crota way back when. Called off sick so did my clan mates. We spent 6 hours battling. We got to crota but couldn’t clear it. Tell you what that was the most fun I ever had in Destiny. Back then no kids. Just me and wifey. She said have fun baby I’m going to sleep. Game all night you deserve it. The most hilarious part is that we knew nothing. Crota popped at 2am fresh start. Up all night drinking and constantly dying but we did get that new loot. Running the maze was great. All I hear is watch out there are HOLES!

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                  • Aren't they adding contest modes as selectable with frontiers?

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                  • Bump, I just got new couches which brings a tear to my eye on its own, alas I sat down and attempted the dungeon after a 2 week hiatus

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                  • Yes please, make it selectable. Another contest chance ruined by disconnects and errors, would really like to have another crack

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                  • I tried it, got errored out, so I went and played iron banner.

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