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2/23/2025 4:09:31 PM

Darkness subclasses need some love

Just wanted to add a suggestion hoping bungie will see it. In my opinion the darkness subclasses are lacking in terms of aspects and toolkits Much less variety than the light subclasses and I would like to see them add different varieties of supers, melee abilities, new exotics for stasis and strand to make the darkness subclasses more interesting/fun to play Right now stasis only has silence and squall as a super and withering blade as melee Strand is probably worse because it only has two aspects I think so those are the only two options. I play a hunter main and I would like to see subclass specific dodges per subclass too. Solar hunter has a dodge that procs radiant. Would be cool to see a dodge proc full frost armor for stasis or something cool like that. Just some thoughts

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  • Warlocks NEED a new super. Either a one-and-done or something like song of flame where it's active and buffs everything you do etc. I can't stand how clunky and worthless stasis feels

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    • This, especially now with bolt charge and prismatic, unless you’re using a specific build there’s no point in using solar, void, strand and especially stasis. I don’t know if it’s just warlocks but stasis is trash currently, the super is trash and doesn’t last near as long as it should, and the charged melee does one freeze to a single enemy, the only thing saving it a little is the turret but again, you can just use prismatic.. so..

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    • Strandlock is pretty lackluster these days thanks to the weak Threadling damage and the unreliable Needle Storm tracking.

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    • 1. While Strand and Stasis respectively need more Grenades and Supers, they are far from lacking in variety. 1 Melee for a subclass isn’t unusual or unheard of. Void Warlock and Void Hunter both have 1 melee, and Solar Hunter has 4. 2. Strand has 4 aspects per class. Some of them are limited in efficacy (looking at you my beloved Flechette Storm) but they exist.

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      9 Replies
      • We need a third darkness subclass

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      • Needle storm needs an accuracy buff or something. That thing either nukes a target or completely ignores it & goes for the one thrall or dreg in the back of the room

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      • [i]Stasis[/i] & [i]Strand[/i] both need another [i]Melee[/i] option for [b]ALL[/b] Classes & at least 2 more [i]Grenades[/i] apiece.

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        • Stasis was the prototype for how the current subclass system works. At the time it was so popular that they reworked the light subclasses to work the same way but now the darkness classes have become restrictive by comparison. I’d love to see Bungie give them a new super or grenade but I think it’s unlikely. If they are going to expand on anything, it will probably be Prismatic as they will just pull in other bits from the existing classes.

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        • Yup. Sadly there's Lack of resources, time and manpower on the current roadmap. There was a time when we were hoping for a third Darkness subclass post Final Shape episodes, which is now a pipe dream. Even getting new Stasis and Strand supers seems far out 😶 Maybe they'll just start creating standalone darkness abilities in each slot, like a Taken or Nightmare grenade or Resonance utility abilities for each class. Because boy are Taken and Resonance powers being carrot dangled in front of us this season.

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          • I wish they would and more melees grenades and supers to the subclasses. Fragments and aspects are nice but the subclasses need variety.

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          • Edited by neonsox42: 2/24/2025 12:33:15 AM
            Some options wouldn’t be bad. Stasis: - Fracture grenade - similar to Incendiary grenade as it bounces, deals high damage while shattering anything it touches. Deals bonus damage to stasis crystals and frozen targets. - Polar Grenade - Operates similar to an Axion Bolt grenade. Deals less damage but applies a small amount of slow and grants the user a stack of frost armor on hit. - Snowball Grenade - Similar to a Flux grenade. High speed and minimal tracking. It has reduced damage, but a faster charge rate and generates a stasis shard on impact. Warlock: - Creeping Frost - point blank melee that rapidly slows and freezes targets while granting 2 stacks of frost armor. - Flash Freeze - Slam the ground, instantly freezes nearby enemies and grants max stacks of frost armor. Leaves a pool of stasis energy that gives allies frost armor and improves their ability regen. Enemies trapped inside are continually refrozen. Hunter: - Polar Vortex - Throw both shurikens to orbit around you for a moderate duration, dealing damage to and slowing nearby enemies. - Reaping Winds - summon both kammas and take to the skies. RT to throw them at close range and RB to summon a gust of wind that slows enemies and launches you forward. Titan: - Crushing Blow - Charge attack similar to Thunderclap. Concussive wave of stasis energy. Slows enemies and instantly shatters enemies. - Absolute Zero - Launches into the air and builds a massive hunk of stasis crystals before launching them at a target, shattering them. (Think Magneto ult from marvel rivals) Idk, I’ll make some strand ones too :)

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            • Laughs in Banner Titan.

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              • Stasis definitely needs some love - but both need new supers.

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