Back story I think it is related. I joined friends starting the dungeon. I had not completed the dungeon yet. They were working on the quest. They completed a lot of secrets along the way. I was on step one. Complete the dungeon.
Go back after completion. Get to collect worms and dred knowledge part of quest. Mind you I have 4/3 worms. I input the next code. Nothing happens. No "something stirs". I go down and no shreiker , no plate , no extra dred. Reloaded . I'm stuck.
[quote]Back story I think it is related. I joined friends starting the dungeon. I had not completed the dungeon yet. They were working on the quest. They completed a lot of secrets along the way. I was on step one. Complete the dungeon. Go back after completion. Get to collect worms and dred knowledge part of quest. Mind you I have 4/3 worms. I input the next code. Nothing happens. No "something stirs". I go down and no shreiker , no plate , no extra dred. Reloaded . I'm stuck.[/quote] Found a solution. I joined a team on the quest but one step behind. Got them caught up. Then we were able to complete the next step. Got the whole quest done now.
Scanned the piece of paper to get the input code?
Just a quick question what step are you on