There aren't any 3 fragment slot aspects on Warlock on all of the base subclasses and Titans only have 1, which is Diamond Lance on Stasis. I think prismatic has shown that restricting fragment slots doesn't really change anything or make anything game breaking, especially with some of the crazy effects that prismatic fragments have to offer. What doesn't make sense is Hunters have an aspect that offers 3 fragment slots on every single subclass except strand and I think that's how it should be. In fact, I think Ensnaring Slam is so underused even after its buff that it could use to have its fragment slots increased from 2 to 3. There are so many aspects on Warlock and Titan that need what Ascension got at the start of Heresy, and here are my picks:
Void: Bastion or Unbreakable fragment slots increase from 2 to 3
Notes: Unbreakable feels really good now but its nothing game changing still imo, I think 3 void fragments choices would make it perfect on void personally, but I could also see a world where Bastion gets 3 fragment slots instead since its really only super strong when paired with Offensive Bulwark in PVE.
Arc: Juggernaut fragment slots increase from 2 to 3
Notes: Even after the buffs it just got, this seems pretty reasonable, no arc titans are using Juggernaut after Storm's Keep entered the game and Knockout being the best source of healing for Titans on Arc and Prismatic.
Solar: Potentially a new one in the future could have 3 since the current ones are very strong, but if not, my vote would go to increase Consecration's fragment slots going from 2 to 3 since it isn't as strong on solar
Strand: Flechette Storm fragments increase from 2 to 3
Notes: This is probably the worst of the slide-melee aspects, I really feel like a fragment slot buff and a damage buff would do this aspect some justice because this definitely seems the least chosen aspect out of the 4 strand titan aspects available. Plus it looks very cool to use compared to most of the other slide-melee aspects.
Solar: Hellion or Icarus Dash
Note: I would completely understand if none of the solar warlock aspects ever got 3 fragment slots because they are all very strong, but Hellion doesn't have the most insane effect compared to its solar aspect counterparts and Icarus Dash is movement related. I hardly find myself using Hellion on Solar or Prismatic since it feels like there are stronger options, but that doesn't mean its bad and my personal gameplay doesn't reflect how everyone else is using it.
Arc: Electrostatic Mind fragment slots increase from 2 to 3
Notes: It's used in most arc warlock builds, but it doesn't bring anything ability augmenting to the table that is strong like Arc Soul, Ionic Sentry or recently buffed Lightning Surge. Becoming amplified on trace pickup is very good now, but all this aspect really does is just give you more elemental pickups, and that's not super strong, even the Harvest Aspects on Stasis heal you a little bit when picking up Stasis Shards.
Void: Chaos Accelerant fragment slots increase from 2 to 3
Notes: I literally only see people use this aspect in Contraverse Hold Builds and nothing else. The buff to handheld supernova this season was a very good step, but I don't know how much it changed things. It amazes me that at some point this incredibly underpowered aspect in comparison to its void aspect counterparts was 1 fragment slot in the past. Feed the Void is so strong, that you're not doing your void or prismatic builds any favors by having it unequipped.
Stasis: Frostpulse fragment slots increase from 2 to 3
Notes: No one seems to use this aspect unless they are playing PVP or are using Ballidorse Wrathweavers, and that feels tacky at best when Voidwalker and Dawnblade are played more in PVP and one of the best pieces of the Stasis Warlock kit is in Prismatic (Bleak Watcher).
Strand: Any strand aspect except Mindspun Invocation fragment slots increase from 2 to 3
Notes (Incoming Essay): After Stormcaller's much needed buff this season, I think it is safe to say that Broodweaver is now the most unused Warlock subclass. Strand Warlock has always felt incredibly underwhelming compared to the other two Strand Subclasses, and loadouts are incredibly restrictive already because if you want your threadlings to be at their best, Thread of Evolution needs to be equipped and that is already one of your maximum four fragments slots. The strongest it ever felt was when Weaver's Trance and Osteo Striga were paired together to suspend endless waves of enemies (not saying that should come back, but it would be kind of cool to have back). Ever since that interaction got nerfed, the most I've seen Strand Warlock used has been to pair it with Euphony, and that feels incredibly limited. Weavewalk also needs a re-work imo, it was cool at first because it was broken in PVP when it launched, but now its not super great. I think it needs to be de-coupled from draining your melee energy similarly to the class exotic glaives getting their main exotic perk de-coupled from glaive shield energy. Maybe it could work on a meter system similar to Wormgod Caress or Verity's Brow and the bar drains the longer you're in the weave. Idk, just spitballing ideas since this subclass fits one niche and it doesn't seem to be very good at it, it even feels like Hunters can leverage Threadlings better than Warlocks sometimes with Threaded Specter.
Thoughts: I have no developer insight or game development experience, but it feels like Prismatic is just a better option than most of these other subclass options with some exceptions. It feels way more customizable and you can potentially have up to 6 fragment slots on prismatic. There is not a setup on Prismatic where you have less than 5 fragment slots and a lot of them can have 6 fragment slots, so why can't the other subclasses in some rare cases have 5 slottable fragments as well, you know? Hunters can already do it, why shouldn't the rest of the classes be able to? I also wanna be clear that when I mention multiple aspects in the same subclass could have their fragment slots increased to 3, I don't mean all of them should be. Only 1 aspect in each subclass mentioned should get the fragment slot increase because I think having the ability to slot 6 fragments in a non-prismatic build might be a bit much.
Honestly speaking I think the fragment cap should just be removed and just allow all subclasses for everyone to be six fragment slots.