(please note i am not a native seeker of either russhan or polish here so i had to use digital interpreters so i apologizes for incorrect pronunciations and spelling)
some time after nick explains the situation to canvas and the other guests a worried silence befalls the tavern for a time minutes felt like hours as everyone took in the fact a plague once dead was resurrected
until the old gardian and grave robber stood "its my fault its here" he spoke with a commanding confidence in his fate "even if i am to meet my final death... it wont be when im asleep"
nick looks at the old man a former titan of great valor, wile a hollow shell now his heart still burns with pride against the rust of darkness.
"so may it be" nick responds bowing his knee in a gesture of somber thanks before rising to meet his gauze "grab your weapons were leaving in 5 minutes"
and so as time passes nick makes sure his weapons are ready and as the old man returns with a heavily warn sword in his left hand and a hand cannon barrel shattered from hive grip yet still functional by a thread of a miracle "are you sure you wanna go out with those old things? i have spares in my ship"
the man replies calmly "no" nick looks on in surprise but allows him to finish speaking
"they where the gifts of my son when i was far younger... i will die with them to honor his memory"
nick nods and opens the door to see a pillar of smoke deep in the Forrest a screeching of two voices echoing in the trees he helps the old man down the stairs
"can we fit a sparrow through those?" nick asks
"no, but a horse can" the old man responds grabbing a whistle off of a dusty crate.
"a horse!? where are we gonna get those?" before nick could look at the old man the piercing sound of whistles bellows out and soon the sound of thumping hooves send forth mighty steeds one with a prosthetic leg and another with a mechanical saddle.
"well shut me tight then" nick chuckles as he carefully approaches one of the steeds and smoothly hops on the old man already on the other by the time nick turns to look for the old man.
they share a glance before setting off for the towing smoke their speed like thunder against the Forrest floor the fire a fury of dead men and gods born of wire and greed.
the tree branches snap and bend as they approach making good time as they make it towards the end of what appears to be a argument a female voice with a shimmer of a echo and... rasputin? no... a zombified clone of him. his voice shaking the ground around them the air pressurizing against his booming voice!
"Ты не сможешь сдержать мою ярость!"
(You will not contain my Fury!)
"Ci ludzie nie są tymi, którzy cię skrzywdzili lub zabili twojego syna, to był Clovis Bray! Proszę, posłuchaj rozsądku!"
(No you cant not again! those pepole are not the ones who hurt you or killed your son it was clovis bray! please just listen to reason!)
"21 Я должен заразить 72 44 Мне нужны ножницы, чтобы вылечить зло"
"Tyran warmind, jeśli nie chcesz się uspokoić, to odejdź!"
(Tyrant warmind if you wont calm down then leave!)
and with that a capsule writhing in yellow tendrils shoots out before lifting itself and fleeing out of the scorched clearing nick and the old man enter attempting to shoot it but their weapon's bullets bounces off the armor plating and it escapes at a faster rate.
"dammit!" shouts nick frustrated at its escape "not only do we have to worry about siva but now a offshoot of it!"
the plaugesat shifts changing its wires Hugh to a emerald green as it morphs a holoterminal computerized music plays as the echo re configures its systems
"im so terribly sorry" the plaugesat says scaring the old man and nick "my name is emillia i was a former worker for clovis bray on the siva project before he forced me into the replicators core to become its warmind but as you can see... he failed until by sheer luck i was pushed out and out into this forrest"
the old man stares in disbeleaf not even realizing that nick is approaching emillia's terminal
"im guessing you where the former head researcher i was told about?"
"yes you are correct" she responds softly "i tried to stop raspution but it seems i only forced him out and led to the second containment breech of these nanites"
"i hope i can be of use to you to re-contain it as its too dangerus to leave out in the open especially with a corrupted warmind controlling it"
"yeah that argument could have gone better" nick says sarcasticly scratching the top of his helmit stareing off to where it went "looks like the bray sisters need to double time it to help work this out"
the old man sits down nearbuy watching the horses "so what now?" he asks
before anyone could lord saladin speaks "we contain it and then destroy it"
they both turn to see saladin, ikora and the bray sisters finally arriving seemingly on foot
"then in that case we got a fire to use against a hotter fire" nick gestures to emmilia "she's sentient thanks to what looks like a echo snapped up in deep space for right now we have a shaky ally but a aly none the less"
ikora stares at emmilia's plaugesat "and how do we know if she isn't going to betray us? she is made out of siva let alone a echo of the witness!"
emilia dispenses a button on a remote "this button will destroy me instantly as well as all of my siva nodes deleting them at the kernel level. should i ever become corrupted beyond rescue use it on me"
her green nanites twist in a small cloud forming a body reminiscent of a exo green tendrils of muscle like siva form around black armor plates forming her body "until then i will use this site as a forward operating base and forge to produce the armor and weapons needed to contain the tyrant strand of siva. and i will be taking the classification of the Forrest strand for the sake of reports and archiving logs between us"
saladin stares down emilia as he approaches axe in hand taking the remote "then i will keep a close watch over you as i had done in the iron temple"
emilia smiles "i look forward to working with you"
ikora looks to the bray sisters "then i will leave a team of the hidden to keep me updated on the situation here until this is contained i want you two to help saladin and the guardians that will come here to aid in the effort"
elisabeth bray nods "we'll do all we can to make shure red stays contained"
elisabeth and her sister are quick to start setting up a landing beacon and preparing the camp
nick and saladin look at echother "this is going to be a long few weeks isint it?"
"a few months if were not fast enough to catch it before it takes root" saladin responds
"then lets show it some frontier justice" nick says
(to be continued...)
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