It's already in the game too, the "helmet on" setting is set to "off in social spaces". We should have that but with the helmet on too.
The Hunter has one cloak that does that. Don't remember the name, but it has an antenna sticking up on it. They also have a hood with no cape. It's one of the original armor pieces from the start of the game.
Bump, also a hide bond warlock option for Warlocks. I liked the white scarf in D1 that let you see the helmets completely without being too noticeable.
Son of a Kaiju - old
Even as a warlock main I support this my buddy only plays hunter and has always hated the capes and hoods using only specific helmets and class items to make it less visible and avoids all the "goofy asymmetrical garbage" they have for armor...feels like they're wasting two sets of good armor to make one mediocre suit..... -
That'll be $27.99 and another $14.99 to expand that to your exotic class item.
Hunters are ugly without a hood Look like a skinny Titan with a Cape
Give us the option to remove the warlock bathrobes.
Cos that's really important..
Need a toggle to shove my giant titan foot up your candy -blam!-. Hunter scum
Now come on guardian, FotL provided you with a selection of masqueraders helmets that achieve the same, what more do you want? 🤭
We are asking for this since the first days of Destiny 1 (just like beards), unfortunately it won't happen. [i]Sorry vor mei bäd Englisch[/i]
In some cases I would like the option to actually have the hood up since some helmets just remove the hood altogether like the tiger head ornament from the 30th anniversary pack.
This would be awesome.
To this day I still miss Taniks cloak from Destiny 1
I don't have a hood or cape.
That will cost you 234 glimmer or 345 silver please
[quote]It's already in the game too, the "helmet on" setting is set to "off in social spaces". We should have that but with the helmet on too.[/quote] Yes!!!!!