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2/21/2025 7:19:05 AM

Edge of Concurrence Changes

My feedback for Bungie on the changes to Edge of Concurrence, as someone who has 20k kills with it. Untying the Alt Fire charge from Shield energy is good in theory, but has some side effects that hurt the weapon really badly. Previously, it took four shots to fully charge it. And with the charge shot itself also counting for shield regen, sustained damage towards bosses gave you a charged shot every fourth shot. This could be brought down to every third shot by using two lucent blades mods, making sustained damage very good with EoC. Naturally this also translated to ad clear, with the range on the chain lightning being high enough to clear some groups of enemies in a single Charge shot (and combined with Triton Vice explosions, it's very fun and effective against ads) Also, using the charge shot is no longer an opportunity cost from using your shield. Not entirely negative, but i feel like it fits the theme of Hunters to sacrifice survivability for damage. Also, I feel the opportunity cost added depth to the weapon. Now, you will *only ever* get a charge shot every Seventh shot. That's **almost half** as many charged shots as it was possible to get before, even less if your aim isn't consistent or you're fighting smaller enemies (i noticed the increase to glaive projectile tracking, very good change) Additionally, the number of shots needed to charge cant be reduced by armor mods, which decreases the importance of buildcrafting (which is never a good thing, especially in destiny where buildcrafting is basically what the game is about) Finally, the charge shot no longer counts towards the next charge shot on hit, meaning you only shoot a charge shot every seventh instead of sixth shot. This change isn't too significant, and really doesn't matter at all on the other two glaives, so undoing this change would give Concurrence an *edge* (lol) over Intent and Action. Summary * decoupling charge from shield removes depth and has bad side effects * Halved frequency of charged shots hurts weapon BADLY * removed interaction with mods, reducing importance of buildcrafting * charge shot doesn't work towards next charged shot on hit Possible Solutions: Give the exotic glaives catalysts. EoC's could reduce the number of hits needed to charge it to three or four, as well as another buff like increased fire rate or letting the lightning seeker have a chance to split while traveling on the ground. Another possible catalyst could let the charged shot trigger bolt charge, useful on hunters because we don't have ranged melee abilities. Even if you don't add a catalyst, just decreasing the hits needed to charge a shot would solve the biggest issue Increase the damage of the charged shot. This would return it's sustained damage to closer to what it was before, though its ad clear potential will overall have gone down (an issue solved by wearing Triton Vice) I ask that Bungie takes my feedback into consideration and makes some refinements to their exotic glaive rework to "fix" my favorite weapon Addendum: I only play hunter, though i did craft the other two exotic glaives on my other characters and make simple builds for them. The increased number of hits I don't think effects the titan one much, as when i used it I was always able to charge the bubble again before it disappeared. The warlock one i didn't mess around with too much, but I expect it to be hit a bit harder by the changes just by nature of healing being so powerful, though incandescent is a nice perk to have.

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