I gotta ask is this the future of crucible? Before radiant came out it was about skills!
Then came radiant and lodestar destroyed everything, then they tried fixing it and that didn't work. Now we also got freaking titans camping with bolt charges! I saw a match where 2 titans got 50+ kill in Ib just by camping behind wall with scout. Does anyone please know when they completely remove bolt charge from crucible and especially trials. In trials you can kill a full team with melee now. I have done it multiple times and it's disgusting..
Just came from a game and I had to leave in ib didn't have choose we played against 4 titans with bolt charge. I was the 3rd guy to leave that match. Bungie what is wrong with you! You can't make an ability in crucible that turns EVERY weapons into 1 shot every 10 second while they are in safety behind a wall. It should seem obvious that won't be a good idea. First radiant, then lodestar, now bolt charge. This is the worst season we have ever had for crucible players.