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2/19/2025 3:30:51 PM

Can we all agree to boycott

If we’d all agree to boycott the game until bungie got there ish together and started taking issues seriously, maybe things could improve, and not just for now but for the future. A litany of bugs and “known” issues every season with more popping up week to week because bungie either doesn’t playtest or doesn’t care. But nothing will change so long as people still log in and give playtime and BUY stuff in eververse and BUY expansions and BUY dungeon/raid keys.

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  • After witnessing how this company has been managed for the last 10 years I don’t think anything can save them unless Marathon is a blockbuster hit.

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    • The simple answer is no. Firstly, and most importantly, I do not want to boycott, I enjoy playing this game, even in the state that it's in. Secondly, if everybody boycotted the game, the game would remain littered with bugs & issues. ALL GAME DEVS rely on player feedback to catch bugs that are in their game(s). There isn't a game out right now that hasn't had issues found by its playerbase. I know many people think that these bugs should've been ironed out before they released the content, and I agree, (for the most part) as some of the things I see are so glaringly in our faces that it would be near impossible for us to miss them, therefore how did Bungie miss them? There could be a number of reasons why they occur or why it was allowed to go out in that state, but boycotting the game won't solve any of those issues.

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        I'm going to still play.

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      • Wouldn't work. If sales don't meet a certain level for the next dlc Sony do more layoffs and at this point likely destiny 2s support gets stopped and they shift all focus to other things like marathon. Or just shut the studio down

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