With the start of Heresy, many of the glaive buffs worked beside the hit detection. After playing Trials all weekend, I found myself saying countless times that my missed glaive shots [b]would've hit pre-Heresy[/b] (often feeling like the shot ghosted similar to years ago). I know many in my community hold the same sentiment.
Is there any confirmation on if this is a known issue or intentional?
[quote]With the start of Heresy, many of the glaive buffs worked beside the hit detection. After playing Trials all weekend, I found myself saying countless times that my missed glaive shots [b]would've hit pre-Heresy[/b] (often feeling like the shot ghosted similar to years ago). I know many in my community hold the same sentiment. Is there any confirmation on if this is a known issue or intentional?[/quote] Haven’t used in PvP yet, but have encountered people using it. Their shots noticeably curve when fired.