The changes to the loot drops are good for the overall player base, but I think you should add cosmetic ornaments for flawless players so the sweats have something to dig for.
As of right now you guys took away the incentive to go flawless entirely, along with the sense of accomplishment in doing so. Adding some cool Trials weapon/armor ornaments that you can only get after 7 flawless consecutive wins would be a good way to keep the sweats happy without breaking the game. Adept weapons is more than enough reward for casuals.
Isn't it enough that these ostentatious egotists can display a "Flawless" title on their character? I know there are genuinely exceptional PvP players and teams out there who deserve respect and recognition , but over the years, they have lost their credibilty because of cheats and paid carries. And if someone wants to play the game dressed like a neon drag queen, there is an abundance of lurid shaders that they can slap on their trials armour. I do agree though that there has to be some incentive for going flawless. Maybe an exclusive weapon skin or an extra trait would suffice, but has it got to be something to say, "hey, look at me?" And I repeat, NOT ALL flawless players are cheats or have been carried, and respect to the genuinely good players who deserve recognition. P.S. I went to the lighthouse playing solo for the first time in my Destiny life during the weekend, and got some great weapons and nice armour, but I don't want any credit for it. It was fun and rewarding, and I hope more players will be participating over the coming weeks.