As a former solo casual PvP player, I can't remember the solo experience being in the state that it's in right now playing Trials of Osiris. While I'm grateful for the increase in player population, I don't think it helps the overall experience of playing PvP. Whether it's the terrible balancing or just the different motives of the players playing. I've shared an image of what I've experienced in 75% of my games. Most of the games feel like a 1v3 where you're just hoping that one other person on the team can at least help. Or you're on the other side where you're just stomping the other team. I understand that we have substituted competitiveness for participation, but there needs to be some sort of balance somewhere.
Trials may never be balanced, but in general, I think it's a 2-step process... They need to first increase participation to ensure a large enough pool to provide for balanced games with acceptably low wait times, then they can tinker with the balancing. Probably no perfect option, but Bungie's decision to try to increase participation feels like a step in the right direction, even if it's just a baby step.