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2/17/2025 11:37:59 AM

Trials changes are good for casuals, but needs Flawless cosmetics

The changes to the loot drops are good for the overall player base, but I think you should add cosmetic ornaments for flawless players so the sweats have something to dig for. As of right now you guys took away the incentive to go flawless entirely, along with the sense of accomplishment in doing so. Adding some cool Trials weapon/armor ornaments that you can only get after 7 flawless consecutive wins would be a good way to keep the sweats happy without breaking the game. Adept weapons is more than enough reward for casuals.

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  • Agreed, accessibility is certainly good, but there needs to be incentives for players to work towards getting better and facing tougher challenges.

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  • With the changes to streaks the 5 streak is actually harder than the old flawless for the cosmetics

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    5 Replies
    • "Bungie, I need my Gold star that says I'm special back!"

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      • It’s how trials should always have been

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      • Isn't it enough that these ostentatious egotists can display a "Flawless" title on their character? I know there are genuinely exceptional PvP players and teams out there who deserve respect and recognition , but over the years, they have lost their credibilty because of cheats and paid carries. And if someone wants to play the game dressed like a neon drag queen, there is an abundance of lurid shaders that they can slap on their trials armour. I do agree though that there has to be some incentive for going flawless. Maybe an exclusive weapon skin or an extra trait would suffice, but has it got to be something to say, "hey, look at me?" And I repeat, NOT ALL flawless players are cheats or have been carried, and respect to the genuinely good players who deserve recognition. P.S. I went to the lighthouse playing solo for the first time in my Destiny life during the weekend, and got some great weapons and nice armour, but I don't want any credit for it. It was fun and rewarding, and I hope more players will be participating over the coming weeks.

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        3 Replies
        • Edited by lonewolf-qc: 2/18/2025 2:29:41 AM
          Hold your high horses buddy, you went flawless 1 time. Nobody is taking anything away from you. If you need the sense of accomplishment from trials that bad, i'm just gonna say it, it's just a video game.

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          • Edited by Zodleon: 2/18/2025 3:25:34 AM
            I would settle for giving us 2 more glow colors, purple and green, and letting a 7 win streak pick any available color they want for their glows.

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            • Edited by Olórin: 2/18/2025 4:43:08 AM
              I just want something similar to D1 Flawless Armour where you can infuse/upgrade or slot in a Glow permanently. So for instance you go Flawless and Lighthouse on 7 win streak, you gain a Lighthouse Token or something similar - you slot this Token into any piece of Armour in the game. Once you equip a Trials Ornament, only that piece of Armour has a permanent Glow. So therefore in order to unlock Permanent Glows on all Armour pieces, you'd have to go Flawless on a 7 win streak card, at least 4 to 5 times for a full set of Permanent Glows on your desirable Armour.

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              • I just wish the opponents took damage in the flawless pool like they do in the regular pool

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              • Edited by JD: 2/17/2025 5:59:30 PM
                Excuse me? You can’t even get the armor unless you been to the lighthouse. You also get red glow for 7 win streak flawless. Could be more though yea.

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                6 Replies
                • Been to lighthouse 4 times got all armor on 2 characters and I'm average player

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                • The most important change imo: Glows no longer granted/taken away weekly. Glows are now consumables (similar to chroma, age of triumph ornaments, D1 Trials ornaments, Black Armory cores, etc.) and you get one guaranteed when entering the lighthouse after a seven win streak (once a week). Additional glow consumables may be earned similar to current system with vehicles/emblems. Consume one glow consumable on any piece of Trials gear (and exotic ornaments that also accept Trials glows) to permanently unlock one color of glow for that piece of gear (will be a universal ornament for armor and simply be an extra “mod” slot for weapons and vehicles, like the Black Armory ones have): you may switch out glows with no penalty. This would add tons of things for players to grind for: just getting one glow on all of their Trials gear would likely take months or longer for most players Other things they should consider: -Skimmer please. Sparrows are nearly useless in the game right now, endgame rewards should not be worse than buying a vehicle from Xur for 97 strange coins. Either that or make sparrows have more use cases. -Holochips. Kinda the reincarnation of the D1 “auras.” Would be nice to get these from endgame sources -Flawless armor set that looks visually distinct (like D1 and Trials of the Nine). Earn from 7 win streak lighthouse chest and wins afterward. -New adept mods/buffs to current adept mods to compete with the new suite of weapon mods (not cosmetic but adepts are essentially useless in the game rn besides specific weapons like fusions) -Exotic weapon/armor ornaments that match the Trials aesthetic and accept trials glows (see Outbreak, The Colony, and Ace of Spades)

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                • All I care about is the memento. If the memento was a random drop from any trials reward that would be great

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                  3 Replies
                  • What's a "casual" and what's a "sweat"?

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                    • Edited by ZayOsiris Gaming: 2/17/2025 9:42:21 PM
                      It’s a new system so it’s best to expect some level of change — as they continue to roll out updates. For now; this is a good system. Tomorrow, I’m sure they’ll have more incentives for a flawless card — aside from the red glow. I think it would be really cool if the glows changed based on the number of weeks a player has gone flawless in a row. Week: 1. Red 2. Blue 3. Green 4. Purple 5. Gold I’d also love if they included a flawless trials ornament of some type, that was different from the armor you get from the base experience. In order to get the full set; you’d have to go flawless for 5 weeks in a row. Put it on a knock out system.

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                      1 Reply
                      • Correct me if I’m wrong: Aren’t the glow, shaders, ship, sparrow and ghost only accessible for those who actually go flawless? And a normal lighthouse trip now just gives a load of loot + an adept?

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                        • Edited by Raven: 2/17/2025 4:51:32 PM
                          Would be nice but I doubt it would happen.

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                          1 Reply
                          • Armour effects like halo reach would be good, have a progression (1 flawless going up to 20 flawlesses) that eventually reaches pestillence.

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                          • They do have a glow for a flawless streak. But they could take it further, give out the wreath crowns like they do in guardian games (tailored for trials of course). Actually thinking about it. There will probably be holochips (like the recent pink one) given for Flawless streaks, so players can turn them on and off.

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                            1 Reply
                            • I concur.

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                            • Edited by Auronio: 2/17/2025 1:58:43 PM
                              In remembrance of Overlord II I suggest a weekly flawless title - gilding after 10 flawless weeks - called [b]Gnome Grinder[/b]

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