Even with the changes (they are great!), my main issue with glaives is the inability to use my charged melee.
I was wondering if holding melee could possibly trigger it or using a multiple buttons like
block + melee could also be possible?
I suppose there are technical and animation roadblocks, but using glaives like a wizard staff could be really fun when it comes to how it looks.
Imagine literally charging the glaive melee and releasing the charge like a spell essentially.
All to say that I love glaive, but they break my build. Thank you for the cool changes though :)
Or when you want to slide into Shoryuken on your warlock and instead of doing amazing arc uppercut and executing a perfect necrotic/synthiceps Shoryuken you instead poke the orange bar in front of you in the belly button with rake angle and go “fudge….”🤣
Shooting penumbral blast out rake angle (which is my favourite weapon and glaive) sign me up!