As a former solo casual PvP player, I can't remember the solo experience being in the state that it's in right now playing Trials of Osiris. While I'm grateful for the increase in player population, I don't think it helps the overall experience of playing PvP. Whether it's the terrible balancing or just the different motives of the players playing. I've shared an image of what I've experienced in 75% of my games. Most of the games feel like a 1v3 where you're just hoping that one other person on the team can at least help. Or you're on the other side where you're just stomping the other team. I understand that we have substituted competitiveness for participation, but there needs to be some sort of balance somewhere.
This is more of a player problem then the game problem then most people realize. first off trials is a high end/endgame pvp activity them trying to open it up to more players is great gets more people into the activity. But if these players go in they are not prepared to face people who actively play this mode let alone pvp will get stomped into the ground every time. Now this can go in one of 2 ways they go online and complain about or get better them selves, but there hasn’t been the ladder in this community for a while now and instead getting better they think bungies/ the people who took the time to get good at this side of destiny are the problem Second, trials was never ment to be a solo game mode never was never has the fact they shoe horned solo Que is hilarious and furthers the gap even more between good and bad players, get a team destiny is a multiplayer game and go learn maps it’s really not that hard treat it like a raid or dungeon you have to learn the mode
It's because the Trials matchmkaing is random again. And most of the playerbase is bad at the game so people like you will stick out among people like them. If you wanna play good players, you'll need a trio. Solo queue is filled with whats in the picture because of the random matchmaking with all the returning casual players wanting adepts.
Trials may never be balanced, but in general, I think it's a 2-step process... They need to first increase participation to ensure a large enough pool to provide for balanced games with acceptably low wait times, then they can tinker with the balancing. Probably no perfect option, but Bungie's decision to try to increase participation feels like a step in the right direction, even if it's just a baby step.
That’s how Trials’ matchmaking has been for years for Solo play, can be made worse with duo squads. Gamemode used to have Freelance but got removed due to a player population problem.
It’s the match making. Many of my games were like that too, and yet somehow the elites say it’s my fault, and that I’m playing people of my same skill or even worse. No possible way. If bungle has even an ounce of integrity they will admit something wasn’t right after getting your 7 wins.
Edited by Andy: 2/17/2025 3:33:11 AMIt isn't. The only people enjoying this trash change are either bad players that barely got to the lighthouse or diamonds who can play with a team. And I'm not even a good player. I'm just average. But being solo is extremely frustrating. I can show you some pictures and videos I saved too. I literally have 16 kda kills in most matches while my team has either 0 or 4 kda kills. Balance or revert this. That's the problem of bringing ''new'' players. I don't think this will last. Sure, right now some people are super ok with this, because they're either the teams stomping every other player, or because they literally barely got any adept weapon and now the adepts are literally being handed to them. The weapon economy will be a huge problem in short time and I'm impressed Bungie made this sht change. What will be the purpose of Lighthouse/Trials if now everyone has tons of adept weapons since the system is now straight handling them in the easiest way possible? So yeah. As a solo player too, every match feels like a 1v3 and it's extremely frustrating. I really, really hope they revert this change and add, idk, more mercies or more wins with the previous passages if they want everyone to get adepts. I don't care, handle the adepts, I just want balanced teams and the pity that I know I'm not wasting my time because on my 6th/7th match were I want to get the 7 freaking win streak got ''red glow exclusive players'' that don't do sht. This is just not it. I assure you, solo players will quit this mode due this frustration, and only the diamond teams or ''new players'' who weren't regular Trials players, will only try this for a few weeks and then out. Just wait.