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2/16/2025 5:21:01 PM

On the Prowl is an awful aspect. (Here’s how to make it better)

This aspect is terrible, I see nobody running it ever and have no desire to run it myself. On the Prowl removes autonomy from your gameplay loop and just feels like a worse version of what we already had on Void Hunter. I understand the ability energy from On the Prowl is bugged, but to be honest I still don’t think it’ll be worth running. There is a pretty “simple” fix to make On the Prowl enticing which would be to decouple the smoke effect from the bounty. Give the player like a 5-7 second timer (2 seconds in PvP) after leaving invisibility that makes it so any final blow makes enemies explode into smoke. This actually makes hunters the “master of weakening” they were paraded around as during the 3.0 trailers. Strong for add clear encounters but becomes fairly weaker when there are no red bars, so I think this is pretty balanced. Leave the bounty as is, but I would ask that they increase the timer on Successful Hunt and make it so it never chooses immune enemies like it can now. In a world with prismatic, I think a subclass that does virtually nothing but invisibility is just flat out not useful. People have been begging for years at this point for void hunter to have something else other than invisibility, and Bungie looked us straight in the face and gave us another invisibility aspect that is worse than what we’ve already got. Please, even if you don’t rework it like this, make this aspect better. Seeing the insanity of Storms Keep and the usefulness of Ionic Sentry (which is only going to get 100x better once they iron out its bugs) makes me really upset with what hunters got.

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  • On the prowl is incredibly strong in 3’s gamemodes, and amplifies the strong map control it already possesses to arguably broken heights. It blocks rez’s, is up permanently until you or the target dies and has pretty decent abilities regen and team support. It just needs a timer in PvP and it’ll probably be fine. 7-10 seconds)

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    51 Replies
    • The only thing it needs is intentionality. Give me a way to mark my own target and it's beautiful. I would just change it to where the first enemy you shoot after invis (or when you shoot an enemy to come out of invis) is the marked target. And then leave everything else the same.

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    • I absolutely loved nightstalker, best subclass ever, no buffs needed

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      5 Replies
      • Ive ben using it with gwisin vest. An incredibly strong combo imo. The entire playing field turns into a smokebomb. Amazing when paired with stylish executioner, a sword, bastion and a withering gaze weeapon

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      • They pretty much just gave us old spectral blades invis. Just you actually have to get the kill after going invisible near the kill which is also randomized in pvp and watered down so you can legitimately have fun with it and at that point I'd rather have old spectral blades invis perk back. Pve it's decent at best. Not gm worthy but decent

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      • Yeah but it's a magic fart

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        2 Replies
        • I think as a little extra targets take 100% extra melee damage if currently set as the bounty target. In pvp it'd be a 20% buff.

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        • I run it and love it. It's awesome in PvE.

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          • Thing is: it's starting to become pretty evident that Bungie sees Hunters as the PvP class. Which would be fine... If they didn't keep gutting the barely-viable-as-is builds Hunters have in PvE. Basically, my point is: asking for Hunter buffs in PvE is going to fall on deaf ears because we're good enough in one half of the game.

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