Lapsed pvp player...haven't touched the comp playlist since before the rework & introduction of Rose. Decided to give the Trials rework a try & noticed people using Redrix's Estoc. The curated roll is the only reason why I decided to jump back into comp to do the placement series 7 games. Was met with complete & utter disappointment going to Shaxx & getting an awful Rose roll instead of the curated Estoc. There's no way of getting it now & according to Reddit it's happened to loads of other players. What a terrible feeling. With the current state of the game, I have no idea if this is a bug, & if so... will it get fixed? It probably won't be fixed this season (apparently it's been a problem in previous seasons too) & by the time it is -- new perks, new meta, etc.. Comp rewards should be a priority (they are in every other pvp game). This is the type of feeling that will make lapsed players put the game down for good. =(
**UPDATE** I played 3 comp matches on 2 characters today (reset 2/18) & received 2 rimestealer rolls. Did not receive the curated Lone Wolf / Sword Logic Redrix. -__-
Same for me, just completed all 7 matches and got rose. Sad about it. No option to focus it either from shaxx.
**Another UPDATE** I am also now locked from turning in crucible engrams for previous season's competitive rewards (rose, riposte, deadlock, etc.). It says "You must finish your Placement Series matches to focus this weapon" even though I've already completed this...Incredible. -__-
Absolutely gutted, this also happened to me. Got some trash Rose roll. So now we are at the mercy of the RNG gods only a few times a week to get something descent. During which we will continue to get absolutely run over by the people who did get the roll. Bravo Bungie, bravo.
Hi there, Thank you for your report. We're seeing a rise in reports about this occurring and are currently investigating.
I received mine on 2 characters but are completely trash rolls. You try to play trials or comp and thats all you get killed by is the Redrixs Estoc curated roll. Was finally going to get back into pvp myself to this happens. This is an issue that needs fixed fast. That gun is used to much to just look into and let it go.
Same here.
I never got it either dont know what to do. Trying to get into trials but everyone is running that gun lol
I'm by no means a pvp, nor comp player but wanted to give trials a go (despite record losses lol). I put on my big boy pants and finally gave comp a try to get the Estoc. After the 7 matches, I too only got Rose. It doesn't show in collections or in the recent history section. Shaxx doesn't offer the opportunity to use engrams on a copy as it won't show up. When I looked at Challenges, it only shows Exotic Catalyst as a potential reward going forward. However, when I jump on an alt, the Challenge shows the remaining number of chances for an Exotic engram. I can only imagine how it feels for a lapsed pvp gamer. For me, who shies away from pvp it's disheartening after really pushing myself to give pvp a go. Honestly, I doubt it'll be fixed any time soon. I can only take solace that I helped everyone to get to the lighthouse with my performance in stormtrooper armor that has the 95% inaccuracy buff lmao