[b] You MUST be willing to play with others regularly and socialize! [/b] Discord use is an absolute necessity.
Ideally, we are looking from players from North America/Canada that are most active during evening and nighttime hours (6 pm est - 2 am est is most active). Sometimes things happen during the day (people have time off); however we tend to be most active during the evening hours. After others are done with work/school etc.
18+ not set in stone, but you must be mature.
Who we are and what to expect from us: We are a small, tightknit, experienced group that have been playing together for years now. About 30 regularly active players in total between our group. Members with various seals and expertise across the game.
Where we are based: Our group is spread out from the East Coast, Central and West Coast of the United States as well as Canada. We are continually building on the diversity of our group. This way we continue to build connections and so our members always have someone to play with. Ages of our members range from about 18 up to 45.
While we are mostly endgame focused. We grind/farm everything that the game has to offer pve (raid, nightfalls, special events, gambit, exotic quests, triumph hunting), pvp (iron banner, comp, and trials). Whether your still catching up on things in the game or want an experienced/relaxed group to run with. This is the place for you.
Even though our core group is experienced. We are willing to teach, help and give tips. I can’t stress this enough. A few of us here take great pride in helping people get better as players. It’s a collaborative effort. We just like & want to have balance in our community here between experience and less experienced.
Expectations from you:
-BE ACTIVE in game and in our discord. Play, communicate and collaborate with other members! We understand you have lives outside of the game. However around 2 weeks of inactivity (without an explanation will get you kicked from our group). We want active members! If you take long breaks from the game, have no desire to communicate and play with other people..then this isn’t the place for you.
-Discord is our primary method of communication.
-There’s a time to be serious and of course a time to have fun. Especially during end game content. We hope you can balance both and be mature about it!
-Zero tolerance for toxicity, insults or harassment towards other members.
-Zero tolerance for cheating.
-Don’t expect instant gratification (we all love to play, but each of us has some sort of school and work schedule). We ask that you be patient as schedules don’t always align.
-Raids are most often held on weekends and week nights; it all depends. Ultimately we try to raid 4-5 times a week as a group.
If this seems like a good fit for you please comment below or private message me and I will get back to you ASAP. Feel free to reach out with any additional questions you might have.
Come join our family!
I’d be interested. I work nights so I’m on around 5 or 6 everyday.