this is the fastest I’ve seen you guys respond and I’m glad you did it before trials comes about! Thank you Bungie!
Yeah, thanks for ruining the Unrelenting perk and health pickups in the Nether! Not working properly anymore …
And not even twelve hours later they found another bug that's preventing the new Dungeon Exotic from dropping at all. This game is such a mess.
Still gonna ye haw and with fun
Yeah know why? Players found something they like and helps them play so bungie made all the time in the world to nerf the -blam!- out of it.
They haven't fixed the crucible I'm getting taken out rather fast barely any kills at all, crit head shot 45 and body shot 14 damage on opponents it doesn't matter if I use the same weapon as my opponents, I spawn in get taken out literally that fast it's not team shots most of the time its single player shots, I count 3 possible reasons 1 the entire team is cheating, 2 it's me or 3 bungie nerfed players that didn't but revenant or heresy content.
One step forward, unfortunately two steps back
FREELANCE or bust - 3/11/2025 1:57:13 AM
it looked really good on paper.. they even added lodestar into the mix of changes... but from what I've seen Hunters are demolishing everything in sight and my lobbies are very lopsided... ...for me its unplayable today... so they always change multiple -blam!- at the same time.. nerf and buff something is far off.. and I think best to step away for awhile again or do the very long step away -
Thanks, but no thanks. The 30 GB patch on Xbox, what the hell, what's changed in the game by as much as 30 GB. Another ruined evening.
That's how low bungie as sunk? Getting thanks for doing their job.
Trials is gonna be fun times this weekend. Lots of new players gonna go after the gear and the lighthouse. All these complaints about crucible PVP yet I still rock Seuros Regime and do just fine.
Yeah credit where credit is due. Thank you bungie, that was a quick response. Much appreciated!
It’s the least they can do is run their game properly and fix all the problems but it’s Bungie ….anything is a plus I guess .