I am trying to do the new exotic quest steps but I get error coded non-stop. It happens when I load in to an activity, while changing load zones, just killing ads, or even running around.
Is there a known reason for this? Like should walk around instead of eager edging and sparrowing?
Hi there, Thank you for your report. We're seeing a rise in reports about this occurring and are currently investigating.
Try playing non prismatic subclasses and report if that solved your issue
im having the same issue. i ran packet loss tests and its nothing dropping on my end. ever since the dungeon dropped ive had consistent bird error codes. i cant complete a single nether run without getting coded out so i just cant play that activity all the way through
They'll probably comment on this but they said it was a known issue. It has something to do with prismatic. If you don't run a prismatic class you should be 100% okay until they come up with a fix.
Came here to say the same thing three bird errors on xbox-s. last 1.5hrs. Nether and doing nightfall, both using prismatic hunter.
I cannot even play a single activity in this game without a bird error
Edited by crop: 2/13/2025 8:37:20 PMI only get it on my hunter. Which happens to be my main. Constantly.. Can't finish anything. Strang that it started last week, Thursday I beieve. Also. I'm running prismatic.
Edited by JohnnyKid: 2/12/2025 6:14:23 PMI'm having this same issue since the new update last week. I'm also running prismatic on PC. The game runs for about 30 minutes then I get kicked from the activity. I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it and it worked for about 3 hours or so then it went back to the bird error but maybe lets me play for an hour before getting kicked. My internet isn't dropping either, I have a gig speed and can stream just fine. I haven't tried to switch from prismatic but I dont wanna lol