Sometime next year I want to buy either a PS4 or a PS5 and I can't seem to find the answer to the question: can I transfer my PS3 character progress to the PS4 or PS5??? I know Bungie discontinued the transfer feature a long time ago, however some people tell me they were able to transfer everything. I have been wondering about this topic for around 3-5 years now and I always get mixed answers. Please help!!!
The transferring from PS3 to PS4 for Destiny is no longer an option as it had to be completed in Aug 2016. [url][/url]
Hey there, there's no 'transfer' between accounts, and never has been (except -> Steam) but in this case it doesn't matter. Your character data (including inventory, progress, etc) is fully tied to your PSN account on PS3, and it's as simple as using that same old PSN account when you upgrade to PS4/PS5. When you run the game there, you'll see those same characters.