The in game lfg is awful. We aren’t gonna even pretend it’s good for raids
Raid checking is a cancer, I’ve been playing since d1 beta, in d2 I didn’t get many vog (or any other raid) clears because crafting and I got the weapons I wanted
I keep getting kicked for not having a lot of clears even though I have meta loadouts
I can’t get clears because I keep getting kicked
How in the HELL am I supposed to raid when the community is so damn uptight about some arbitrary number that does NOT equate to skill.
Little Jimmy being carried 100 times through vault has a higher chance to join than me bc he got carried
But I, who has been there for the launch of both vogs, can’t because what, I got lucky with weapon drops and didn’t need to go back in?
How do I work around this, how do I get into more raids? I’m seriously asking for advice. Don’t say complete more raids bc if you do, clearly you didn’t read.
Legasy LFG or join a "chill" Clan that Raid's.
I go by vibes.
I don’t really have any advice, I’ve done a handful of raids in D2 with a single Scourge of the past being the most recent. I’d just like to wish you luck in finding a few people or a group to complete some raids with.
I cleared 300 vog & 200 crota in D1 & haven't raided since. Saw that people were farming Templar so watched a few videos, 1 min runs even a blind moron could do it. Even did the catalyst for lord of wolves before I tried joining groups, spent about 45 mins on the ingane lfg & kept getting not accepted, makes sense now I see this. I remembered the reason I stopped raiding 8 years ago & didn't try again, nor won't again.
You can use this apps legacy fireteam finder Or Create your own LFG in either in game or the legacy. With the legacy version you can still create your own title.
You could just.... hear me out here as it may seem a bit crazy..... Create your own raid group? Simple.
Cant you just create your own lfg post & choose your own requirements for those trying to join you?
Edited by SkullKnight6997: 2/10/2025 9:31:02 PMIf you got at least 1 of every weapon from D2 VoG you can open up to 12 free chests a week (4 per character) that have a chance to drop red borders. Look up Marshix on youtube, he has a full guide on how to solo all the chests (you will need to use a post-Templar checkpoint from bots.)